I have not, until tonight, posted on either Imus nor the Virginia shooter. Now I am posting and connecting the two...
Went to church tonight. Wednesday night prayer meeting that started out with a bit of praise and worship.
One of the things that was mentioned during the praise and worship was the scripture:
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord... (Eph 5:19)
These days there are many that would say that for me to post the above quote from the Bible is an evil thing to do and that I'm trying to force my beliefs on them and that I'm just a hypocrite anyway, why should they listen to me, etc.... I used to have a snappy line for people like that but a Christian buddy of mine, upon hearing me say to a couple of guys, "OK! Go to hell then!" told me it was an unchristian thing to say. So I won't say it to those who thought that quoting Bible is evil etc...
I explained to my buddy the point I was trying to make is that it is peoples own choice that sends them to an eternity without God or into his embrace. God is ever trying to draw people to Himself. Not to an established religion but to Himself. - People get turned off by the way they see "religious" people act and attribute it to God. - Doesn't work that way. - God does not ask people to follow other people. He wants US (you too!) to follow Him.
Hence we get scripture that tell us to:
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
Phil 4:4
How can we help but to rejoice when we realize that "God IS!" and he does concern Himself with our affairs.What a great God! He wants us to be happy. ALWAYS!!! (He said so)
Well suppose that Imus and the Virginia shooter both had taken these scriptures to heart. WHAT IF (words that never really mean anything because time, as we know it, cannot be turned back) but WHAT IF Imus and the Virginia shooter spent some time, even if it was just minutes, singing praises to God?
Not god as they know him. Not god as they think of him, not god as even you nor I think of him, but God as He is!
Realising their insignificance compared to the Creator of all that any man's senses can appreciate. The only true God that stands outside of space and time so that even scientists, philosophers and poets cannot find ways of proving His existence. The God that offers grace, mercy, friendship and love freely and only requires that a person give to Him that which is owed to Him.
The only True God who can only be reached by faith.
Had either of these men spent a minute portion of their lives learning the benefits of Praise and Worship they most likely would not have had their names in the papers for the reasons they did.
Imus was crass and lowbrow. The Virginia shooter as filled with evil. Neither of them needed to be. They had choices as do we...
P.S. Imus gets a second chance. Yahoo News says,
target="_blank">"Advertisers want Imus back" and a San Berdoo Station is playing
"Best of Imus"P.S. (again) The Virginia shooter does not get a second chance... - People will spend a lot of time trying to figure out "WHY did he do it?" - What they learn about the man will most likely not apply to the next evil person that performs similar acts. His reasons were incomprehensible as will be the next...
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Write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008