Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pfc. Joseph Allen Jeffries
Wednesday Hero - 23 May 07

Thanks to the Wednesday Hero Blogroll for the following post:

Pfc. Joseph Allen Jeffries
Pfc. Joseph Allen Jeffries
21 years old from Beaverton, Oregon
Army Reserve’s 320th Psychological Operations Company
May 29, 2004

Below is all the information that could be found on Pfc. Joseph Jeffries.

Pfc. Jeffries was killed with two fellow soldiers, Capt. Daniel W. Eggers and Sgt. 1st Class Robert J. Mogensen, and an unnamed sailor, when their vehicle drove over an IED in Kandahar, Afghanistan. All four service members were attached to the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife, Betsy, and his parents Mark and Linda Jeffries.

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. To find out more about Wednesay Hero, you can go here.



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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Do People Like To Be Fooled?
Al Gore Is On the Loose Again!

People love magicians. Yet ultimately what is it magicians do to people?

Answer: Fool them.

That is about it. People are fooled by magicians but in such a way that it (usually) brings delight. So much so that they will pay to see a good magic act. I'm sure there are very few people that would not enjoy meeting David Blaine on the street.


One of the synonyms of magician is conjurer. Note the first sylable of that word is "CON". has these definitions (among others) for the word "CON"

1. involving abuse of confidence: a con trick.
–verb (used with object)
2. to swindle; trick: That crook conned me out of all my savings.
3. to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc.
4. a confidence game or swindle.
5. a lie, exaggeration, or glib self-serving talk: He had a dozen different cons for getting out of paying traffic tickets.

Which brings me to the point of this posting. Some con artists (of the magician type) bring delight to people. Some of the crook and swindle type bring misery. Many a time we hear of someone having their life savings stolen from them through con artists. They are fooled into giving up whatever it is the con desires. Usually of monetary value.

Currently the talk show circuit has a con artist running amuck and a segment of our population is delighted with him. Al Gore is that person. This is in spite of it being shown and proven that he is a liar and a swindler. His purchasing so called 'carbon offsets' from himself should have given a clue to his devotees that they are being taken for a ride but NOOooo! They still dote on his every word.


His movie, An Inconvenient Truth has repeatedly been shown to be filled with fallacies yet he received an Academy Award for it. By all rights the award should be rescinded because the Academy does not give out awards for false documentaries.

Al Gore's new book, "The Assault on Reason" does the same as the movie did. It takes liberties with facts and presents them the way Al Gore wants us to see them. Slight of hand can be seen in the following lines from the book.

It is simply no longer possible to ignore the strangeness of our public discourse. I know I am not alone in feeling that something has gone fundamentally wrong. In 2001, I had hoped it was an aberration when polls showed that three-quarters of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for attacking us on Sept. 11. More than five years later, however, nearly half of the American public still believes Saddam was connected to the attack.

This is nonsense and anyone who helps Al Gore by purchasing his book deserves to have their money stolen.

WAKE UP MR. ALGORE!!! Where did you get your numbers??? We know Sadamm did not have anything to do with the 9-11 attacks. We knew that at the time war against his government was debated in Congress. We also know that he harbored terrorists. This is not a war against Sadaam but against terrorists. Stop with the slight of hand!


An excerpt from the book can be found here at

What a Dweeb -

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Cary Cartter Sez:
Write in Candidate - 2008 - 21May07

The following is from The Cary Cartter for President Campaign -

Cary Cartter sez:

The Height of Arrogance

If there is any doubt in your mind about who your "representatives" are really representing, watch the vote for cloture on the immigration bill today - or, as I like to call it, the "Unexclusive-ing of United States Citizenship" bill. That's right - just like in 1986, the "leaders" of this country feel that the only way to solve the illegal immigration issue is to make them all legal.

This would be similar to Brentwood Country Club allowing the course hoppers to become a members to avoid having a course-hopper problem, instead of firing up the course rangers and security personnel to keep the hoppers off the course in the first place.

When Reagan signed the first amnesty bill in 1986, he had the assurances of all involved that enforcement would be forthcoming. Oddly enough, the Career Politicians who gave him (and, by extension, the country) that impression lied through their teeth. I know, it's shocking to find out that people who make a habit of misleading the voting public would turn around and not tell the truth on any other subject, but there you have it. At any rate, the enforcement sections never materialized - with the result that today, nearly three times the number of illegal invaders will be handed citizenship if this bill passes. I urge you to contact your representative at (national switchboard) 202-224-3121.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States, it is time to wrest control away from the self-serving spoiled millionaires running the country for their own amusement and hand it back to We the People. It is time for the citizens of this country to stand up and be counted, to let the "leaders" know that they are not representing the majority will of those they owe their position to - and I am not referring to the political string-pullers with deep pockets.

I am running a write-in campaign for President of the United States. If all I do is piss off the incumbent, lazy, good-for-nothing Career Politicians, then so be it - but I want to make sure these same representatives know that it is not just my voice alone - that there is, indeed, a majority of citizens who want their country to remain sovereign.

If you feel you are Out of Voting Choices, then choose to Make a Difference - write in Cary Cartter for President in November 2008. Please help me get the word out.

If you would like to know more about my stand, please visit my blog. If you have any questions you would like to see addressed, or if you would like to help spread the word about my campaign, you can e-mail me here.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Cheering and Booing The Amnesty Bill

S.C. Republicans cheer Romney as he attacks immigration bill

By: JIM DAVENPORT - Associated Press Writer

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- The crowd at South Carolina's Republican convention cheered Saturday when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney criticized a new immigration proposal and booed a key ally of U.S. Sen. John McCain when he defended it.
They cheered as presidential candidate Romney told them: "One simple rule: No amnesty."
The crowd booed South Carolina U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, a key ally of McCain in both his 2000 and 2008 presidential bids, when he said he had worked with U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., on the immigration legislation.

"It's the best bill I think we can get to President Bush," Graham said as some in the crowd shouted "No!"

Graham was cheered earlier in his speech when he talked about the war in Iraq.

After the speech, Graham said he was booed on immigration because "it's an emotional topic. People are mad."

Wrong South Carolina U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham! People are not mad. They are filled with righteous indignation!!!

Your's is one name I will remember if it ever comes up on a ballot before me. As will McCain's.


prying1 says:

Stop ignoring the laws we have on the books now. Build the wall! Stop ignoring your constituants. Build the wall! Boot the criminal illegal aliens in our prisons out of our country first. (Brand them if you have to so we can recognise them when they come back.) Build the wall! Find the most recent Illegal Aliens and boot them out. Build the wall! Stop letting more in by tightening up enforcement on (so called) students & visitors that won't go home when it is time for them to do so. Build the wall!

And while you are at it quit telling the American People that you have a wonderful bill to vote for when it hasn't even been finished yet.

Lord! The things I would say about this matter and the crude language I would use concerning our elected officials if I were not a Christian....

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