Barack Hussein Obama, Jr's statement was:
"it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
I sort of have a problem with this statement. That is because it is a general statement that has no qualifying words to modify it to make it true. The word 'some' thrown in would have cut the fuse of the bomb it has become for Barack. Do we need a president that makes errors as simple as this?
Laying that aside I'd like to address the words (taken out of context) "they cling to ... religion..."
The way it was stated Barack makes it sound like a bad thing to want to cling to religion. Of course we do need to define religion and can have no way of knowing Barack's definition. There is more than one way to look at religion. One comparison could be either man bringing God (or gods) down to his level or God bringing man up to His. - I prefer the second.
Man can stretch his arms to drag God down and it will be to no avail. God has stretched His Arm down and given man the gift of his Son. As a gift Jesus now only needs to be received or rejected just as a child might do between a toy or a sweater.
As for me I'll 'cling' to my religion and I'll make no apologies for it. But then again, I'm a "Born Again" Christian not a "Social" Christian. Yes, good works, as Barack has been doing, are necessary but before that there needs to be a relationship with the Living God. With statements like the one Barack has made I question his relationship. Faith without works is dead but so is works without faith.
Slamming his brothers and sisters in the Lord is not a good way to generate votes.
But he never did have mine...
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