Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Government Has Your Number!

OK! Once again the Democrats are proving that they cannot be trusted with keeping Americans safe. They cannot be trusted with national Security! - And some dingbat Republicans are jumping on the bandwagon too. Please take names and never again vote for those who want to end the NSA Terrorist surveillance Programs.
- Words from elected officials -
Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., was spot on when he said NSA uses the data to analyze calling patterns to detect and track suspected terrorist activity. - "Telephone customers' names, addresses and other personal information have not be handed over to NSA as part of this program," he said.

Rep. Edward Markey of Massachusetts, ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee's telecommunications and internet panel, had a different view: "The NSA stands for Now Spying on Americans."
- el enddo -

Please Massachusetts! Dump this nutter before he gets us killed! He does not care about your safety or privacy. He has turned our National Security into a political issue and it should be an issue of, "How can our government best catch the bad guys."


Here are some facts:

1.) There are TERRORISTS in the United States that want to do grievous bodily harm to you and your loved ones.

2.) The U.S. Government has a vested interest in finding these terrorists. Events like 9-11 are not good for our nation and with too many events like that the current crop of politicos will be booted out of office.

3.) One method of finding terrorists is to check the phone records of known terrorists, see who they are calling and who is calling them.

4.) Some idiots in this country are fearful that the government is out to get their insignificant butts and throw them into a gulag. - One term for this way of thinking is 'paranoia'. I call it the Michael Moore effect.

5.) Electing Democrats will leave the borders even more open and stop programs that allow the NSA's surveillance of terrorists.

6.) Politicians need to be encouraged to build the wall/fence on our southern border and tighten security to the north too.

prying1 sez:

The banks have more info on people than phone records could ever reveal. Speaking of phone records. Have you ever looked at your bill? The devious phone company lists all the numbers we've called and presents them in such a way that we throw up our hands and just pay the damn thing. Why aren't people upset with the phone company and the banks knowing all sorts of personal information? Can we trust them more than we can the government? If so why? How many credit card companies send you crap mail every week? Do you know who most likely sold them your address? THE BANKS! Banks even know what brand of beer you like if you use a debit or credit card to pay for it. If you expect total privacy in this country (or even the world) you are going to be disappointed for the rest of your life. - Your name is in the computers and they know where you are! -

Stop being paranoid. Get over it! Get used to it! It is not going to change just because some people are schizophrenic and think the government is spying on them. The government is not going to be putting people who disagree with them into concentration camps. You are safe here. Unless the terrorists are allowed to run free with no surveillance. Then you can be afraid. Very afraid...

The NSA program takes phone numbers of known terrorists and sees who is calling them and who they call... Would you like to stop our government from having this means of finding the bad guys? - To those who would end the program I say, "Get a life!" - Conspiracy Theory was just a MOVIE! The good guys won in the end anyway but it was fiction! There is no government agency that is keeping tabs on you except for the IRS! - With them you have my permission to really be afraid. They really are out to get you!

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Help Spread the Word On RU-486

Women have died from using RU-486! - Someone you know might consider using it and not know this because her doctor does not give full disclosure or glosses over the facts... This is an opportunity for you to possibly save the health or even the life of a woman unknown to you. Simply post a message on your blog and link to Against RU-486 - -

Maggie, The blogger who writes Against RU-486, has several articles with reports from doctors, how the FDA defends it's use, and how the links to toxic shock syndrome is ignored because of politics and big business...

She writes this on her masthead:

Warning: The taking of the drug combination that makes up RU486 is dangerous to a woman's health. Where it has been allowed, the drug should be withdrawn from use because of the high level of risks to pregnant women. Backyard abortions led to death and RU486 has a larger potential to lead to death. It is just not good enough that this is pushed onto women.

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ESPN Video On Alexi Salamone

To those who don't care about sports but love life I would be amiss in not asking you to take 8-9 minutes of your life to watch this video. You will not regret it!

Just in case you missed this which was played on ESPN I thought I'd bring it back up to the top. I had posted it as an update on a previous post.

Alexi Salamone on ESPN

This is one of the most inspiring video's I've seen. Keep an eye out for this kid in the 2008 Special Olympics.

Update: It appears that the ESPN link no longer works. Write to ESPN and perhaps they will give you a way to view the piece.

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Chairman of Congressional Black Caucus Knee Deep in Bribery & Corruption Case

Jim Kouri writes in the Conservative Voice:

A Kentucky businessman (Vernon L. Jackson) who paid bribes to a member of the US House of Representatives and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, has pleaded guilty to a two-count indictment charging him with conspiracy to commit bribery and the payment of bribes to a public official, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
...the identity of the alleged bribe-talker is Democrat Rep. William Jefferson of New Orleans, LA, ...
Rep. Jefferson told him (Vernon L. Jackson) that he would not continue to provide official assistance to Jackson's company, iGate, unless Jackson agreed to pay a nominee company ostensibly maintained in the names of Rep. Jefferson's spouse and children.
According to the FBI, Jackson made monthly payments of $7,500 to Jefferson, as well as a percentage of Jackson's gross sales. Rep. Jefferson also received a percentage of capital investments raised for iGate, and options for iGate stock.
While Vernon Jackson is scheduled for sentencing in this bribery scheme, so far Rep. William Jefferson has not been indicted, nor is there a great deal of attention being paid to the case by members of the House or the mainstream news media.

Rep. Jefferson is the subject of yet another ongoing criminal investigation. In August 2005, federal agents searched his home in New Orleans and his home and car in Washington, DC, as well as the home and office of his campaign accountant in New Orleans.

As part of the investigation, the US home of the Vice President of Nigeria also was searched. During the raid on Rep. Jefferson's home, FBI agents say that they found a large amount of cash in Jefferson's freezer.

Click here for the FULL story...

prying1 sez: What is there to say except I don't want to hear that line, "they are all crooks" when people vote for politicians on the take. They are not all crooks and those that are need to be removed from office.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

AubreyJ's Video Blog!!!

Hey folks! Here is something that is a must see! Good music and videos of interesting, heartfelt and newsworthy events. Remember the deck of cards of "Most Wanted" in Iraq. AubreyJ flashes through the deck. Captured and at large as of 3-09-05. - Afghanistan, Katrina, Homecomings of our troops, AND MORE TO COME I'M SURE!!!

- - Video Blog -

Be sure to leave a comment on AubreyJ's site encouraging him to continue with this work of art.

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Thomas Sowell on Immigration and Republicans

Not enough people are impressed with the workings of my brain on this subject so I figured I'd direct you to the words of Thomas Sowell.

Quotes from Sowell's article in The Conservative Voice:

Maybe some recent polls will put some backbone into Senate Republicans. But don't bet the rent money on it.
Those demonstrations may have impressed the media and intimidated politicians but they didn't change many minds among the American people. A majority of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all favor the tougher House bill.
What is really striking is that 53 percent of Hispanics supported the House bill. The loudmouths at the demonstrations did not speak for all Hispanics.
As things stand at the moment on the immigration issue, the Democrats clearly have the upper hand politically as this year's elections approach.

The Democrats can solidify their base behind amnesty. But the Republicans' base - 81 percent of whom are behind the tougher House bill - are undermined, if not demoralized, by the vacillation of the Senate Republicans and the Bush administration on strong border control, apparently out of fear of alienating Hispanic voters.

In view of the latest polls, it is not clear how many Hispanic voters are going to be alienated. The greater danger is that the Congressional Republicans will alienate their own supporters.
Frankly, the Republicans deserve to lose this fall's election, after their wild spending and pandering to economic ignorance on gas prices. But a Republican defeat would only bring in the Democrats - and the country does not deserve anything that disastrous. The Democrats' petty obstruction and irresponsible demagoguery in wartime disqualifies them for national leadership when a nuclear Iran and nuclear terrorists loom on the horizon.

prying1 sez: There are really two issues here. - Apples and Oranges. - One is the problem of hordes of ILLEGAL aliens crossing our borders unchecked. Two is we are now Post 9-11. Terrorists can cross over our borders with impunity. WE CAN DEAL BOTH PROBLEMS A BLOW WITH FENCES AND WALLS!!!

Here is a tidbit from Hugh Hewitt's radio show last week (5-4-06). Tom Delay and Hugh Hewitt:

Hugh Hewitt: Now Congressman, in your many years, obviously since 9/11, you've been privy to a lot of information that most Americans have not. By the way, were you one of the people briefed on the NSA program? Or is that intelligence....okay. Has anything come over the border that smacks of terrorism that alarmed you?

Tom Delay: Yes. Absolutely.

Hugh Hewitt: Any details?

Tom Delay: No, I can't give you details, but yes. We have Muslims that are connected to terrorist organizations coming over our borders. In fact, we have sent the message to the world that y'all come. And whether you're terrorist or not. In fact, I spoke to a border patrol agent just yesterday, and they have just picked up 20 Romanians that had gone to Mexico, knowing that they could just walk across the border, get into the United States, and never have to get in line for any immigration. I mean, it is absolutely outrageous what's going on.

Thanks to Radioblogger for the transcript. (MP3 and more of the interview is available at

Try calling your Congressman and Senator and simply say, "Build the Wall!"

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Scotwise Series on JOY!

I'd like to point your attention to a 'Series on Joy' that John Tolfer Brown is posting on his blog, "Scotwise".

- Joy is not something that is dependent on outside circumstances being perfect.
- It is something that starts on the inside and works its way out of a person into the environment surrounding him or her.

Imagine an infinite source of joy bubbling from your inner self and into the lives of those about you. - Free Lessons on how to have this accomplished in your life. -

Webster'’s Dictionary defines Joy as... 1.a. Intense, and especially ecstatic, or exultant happiness. b. The expression or manifestation of such feeling. 2. A source, or an object of pleasure, or satisfaction.

By following John's posts you can learn how to become a third definition personified. As one who has personally experienced that which he expounds I (prying1) can promise you that you can become a conduit for peace, love and joy into the lives of others.




Lesson 4 - IS THERE A HOLE IN OUR BUCKET? The Conclusion

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Monday, May 08, 2006

What Is Really Needed Is...

Overheard on a Talk Radio show tonight was this little line:

Caller: I heard on NPR that the problem with conservatives is that they just don't understand socialism.

Well I have to agree with that 100%!

I said so to my brother-in-law as we sat in the car listening to the radio.

Communism/socialism has failed everywhere it is tried because the wrong people keep ending up in charge of the whole kit and caboodle. If it was tried in this country the NPR crowd would want to run the whole shebang.

It would fail!!!!! - MISERABLY!!!!!

The only way it would work in America is if they put me in charge.

My brother-in-law disagrees. He thinks he should be running the show.

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