Thursday, May 11, 2006

Chairman of Congressional Black Caucus Knee Deep in Bribery & Corruption Case

Jim Kouri writes in the Conservative Voice:

A Kentucky businessman (Vernon L. Jackson) who paid bribes to a member of the US House of Representatives and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, has pleaded guilty to a two-count indictment charging him with conspiracy to commit bribery and the payment of bribes to a public official, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
...the identity of the alleged bribe-talker is Democrat Rep. William Jefferson of New Orleans, LA, ...
Rep. Jefferson told him (Vernon L. Jackson) that he would not continue to provide official assistance to Jackson's company, iGate, unless Jackson agreed to pay a nominee company ostensibly maintained in the names of Rep. Jefferson's spouse and children.
According to the FBI, Jackson made monthly payments of $7,500 to Jefferson, as well as a percentage of Jackson's gross sales. Rep. Jefferson also received a percentage of capital investments raised for iGate, and options for iGate stock.
While Vernon Jackson is scheduled for sentencing in this bribery scheme, so far Rep. William Jefferson has not been indicted, nor is there a great deal of attention being paid to the case by members of the House or the mainstream news media.

Rep. Jefferson is the subject of yet another ongoing criminal investigation. In August 2005, federal agents searched his home in New Orleans and his home and car in Washington, DC, as well as the home and office of his campaign accountant in New Orleans.

As part of the investigation, the US home of the Vice President of Nigeria also was searched. During the raid on Rep. Jefferson's home, FBI agents say that they found a large amount of cash in Jefferson's freezer.

Click here for the FULL story...

prying1 sez: What is there to say except I don't want to hear that line, "they are all crooks" when people vote for politicians on the take. They are not all crooks and those that are need to be removed from office.

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