I should have posted this sooner but. Here it is...
For a few weeks now my friend, Doc Mike (Michael Harris) and I (Paul Young) have been doing an online radio show on Blog Talk Radio (BTR). We named the show "Left Coast Righteo". It was designed to allow people to the west of Illinois a place to go after Cyber Pastor and AnnieB finished their Christian, Pro-Troops, Right of Center "Do the Right Thing" radio show also on BTR.
Their show ends early (midnight or later their time) on the left coast and late on the right coast yet there were friends and an online community still clamoring for more online radio with Blog Talk Radio.
As a result Doc Mike and I decided, to fill the void, to do a show together from the Pacific coast on Tuesdays (9:30 PM Pacific) and Thursdays (8:30 PM Pacific). We simply chat and take calls from listeners. Often times we amaze each other with our knowledge and wit. Religion, Politics, Humor, and Animal Husbandry are frequent topics. As is food. We do talk about food quite often too. Doc is Host and I am the sidekick. That is unless I am doing the hosting and Doc Mike is sidekicking. To be honest I prefer kicking his side over his kicking mine...
Why will Thursday, July, 23 209 be special?
This Thursday night (23July09) we are having a special guest and I decided to post this on my blog and to email the link to friends. That is in hopes of you getting this in time (prior to 8:30-10:00 PM Pacific), Click this link and get prepared for when the show is on to join in the fun. When you get to BTR you can register (make up a screen name or use one you already have and join for freeee!), log in and join the chat room. If you click the link too late for the show then you can download the archive and listen in after the fact. Either way I hope you enjoy the show.
Grant Starrett of the Starrettwire will be on the air with Doc Mike and Prying1!
Now you ask, "Who is Grant Starrett and why should I care?" For those who do not get the "Starrettwire" chances are you don't know him. For those who do get the Starrettwire You still don't know him. This is your chance to get educated. I think Grant Starrett is a name you will see in the news in future years.
The Starrettwire is a "Newslinkletter" which comes out of the friendly fingers and mousework of the aforementioned Grant Starrett. As he peruses the daily news he adds articles and cartoons of interest to the Starrettwire which he emails FOR FREE to those on his list. He sends out 3 to 5 Newslinkletters a week. Never any spamming and your name is not added to nefarious lists because he alone controls the whole shebang.
Real simple to get on the list too. Simply email Grant at starrett@stanfordalumni.org and say, "Put me on the list!" If you don't like it simply email back and ask to be removed.
Here is a bit of a bio:
Student/Graduate of Stanford University, Founding member/President of "Stanford Conservative Society". (proving that students can attend a major university and still come out without need of a foil hat.)
(Ex-)Staff writer for The Stanford Review
National Chairman of "Students for Mitt (Romney)" (Do we see a trend here?)
He has worked for: FoxNews; White House; Mitt Romney for President, Inc.; Republican National Committee; U.S. House of Representatives; Eurobuilders.
Currently Accepted/New Student at Vanderbilt Law School - Nashville, TN
And in the mix of all this the great disseminator of interesting Newslinks and Opinion Cartoons through The Starrettwire.
By the way. Doc Mike also has a BTR show on Saturday mornings called Homestead in which he talks of self sufficiency, homesteading and the homestead lifestyle. Food production and preservations, politics, energy, repairs, how to's and so much more. Ask him about the beast that shall not be named.
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