Political Pistachio has a post entitled - The dangers of raising the minimum wage - Good read. Douglas V. Gibbs sums up his posting in this line: "Just more proof of the idiocy of the left, if you ask me."
Well Douglas. Those with clear thinking on the matter agree with you 100%. Raising the minimum wage should not be the first order of business and is more proof that the Democrats are not serious about real problems facing this country.
I had to comment on his post then thought I'd bring my comment here and share my feelings on the subject.
Raise minimum wages and it gives the unions the right to demand more. I understand that many unions have their wage structures tied in with the minimum wage. Hmmm. And the Dems love the unions...
Every time there is a raise in the minimum wages many people getting paid more than minimum wage find they're closer to the bottom and do not get increases themselves...
For those that do get increases commensurate with the increase:
Lets see. McD's pays more to it's workers. Raises the cost of their burgers.
Hardware store pays more to it's workers. Raises the cost of their hardware.
Grocery Store pays more to it's workers. Raises the cost of their groceries.
Beauty salon pays more to it's workers. Raises the cost of their beauticians.
Bar & Grill pays more to it's workers. Raises the cost of their food and drink.
Gas station pays more to it's workers. Raises the cost of their gas and goods.
Worker who get his wages raised pays more for the burger, etc. so his raise counts for nothing.
BUT To show Republicans REALLY DO CARE we should demand they offer more than the Democrats offer. What ever Polosi suggests why stop there? Lets have Republicans in Congress demand every employer pays every employee a million dollars a week so everyone can be rich. Just like Pelosi and her friends...
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