Had a bit of time this morning to visit a few blogging friends this morning when I came across this line in Scotwise's Friday post: - Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have.
DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT FRIDAY - A JOYFUL HEART. #21. - Some really good jokes mixed in with the groaners. -
This reminded me of a subject I had been meaning to blog about for quite a while. Hence the title: Profanity In Blogging.
Profanity in blogs does not endear most readers to the site.
I guess some people just enjoy writing words that they know others will find offensive. Perhaps they think it adds shock value. It may be that some don't even realize that others might find their explitives disagreeable. Perchance they are trying to drive away goody-two-shoe readers or hoping for comments from someone reviling them for their language so they can belittle the commenter in return. I'm certain some do it purposefully while others do not even think about it. The reasons could be near endless.
I have used expletives throughout my life. Most of the time I hear myself and don't appreciate the word I used. Once it is out however there is no taking it back. I've tried to limit my use of certain words because the last thing I want is to accidentally use one when around children or perhaps some lady from a church we do business with. Heaven forbit it be both! If I find one slips out around kids or ladies I do quickly apologize but...
Posting blogs is quite a bit different than speaking. The backspace key can quickly remove any words that might 'slip out'. The only way I will use a vulgarity in posting is if it is necessary for the posting's continuity or storyline but most often non-vulgar words can be used to get the same point across. In fact it can sometimes be a challenge to find a way to word a statement that makes it humorous as opposed to crass.
That is one reason I like to keep a window open with Thesaurus.com while I write. Not just the cuss words of course but any time I've found I've used a word too often I can type it into the thesaurus and come up with an alternative. I also might take a word that is in the entries given and run it through the search bar. I've used it for this post and am not too proud to admit it. It comes in handy and I heartily suggest it to others. It will only improve your writing.
I'm hoping that some of the bloggers that use gross and crude language in their postings will read and take at least a portion of this little sermon to heart. Often times I blog surf and come across sites whose offensive language just turns me off and I know others are turned off too. Some I place on 'block this site' and I'm sure others do too.
To those bloggers that use crudities I say, have a little consideration for your readers. Not everyone is pleased by what you write. You don't know when some child will come by and get an eyeful of execrable words that will later get their mouths washed out with soap.
Try going to the thesaurus linked above and type in your favorite dirty word. You might be delighted to find you can use substitute words that will give your readers a better impression of you and your work.
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Saturday, April 08, 2006
Profanity In Blogging
Posted by
6:23 AM
Friday, April 07, 2006
Cynthia McKinney Feels Free In Russia?
For those who don't pay any attention to news here is the layout.
- Cynthia McKinney tried to go around a security checkpoint with no ID badge or lapel pin., as members of Congress are entitled to do with the ID showing. An officer did not recognize her.
She was challenged but kept going. An officer tried to stop her and apparently tapped her or caught her arm. McKinney apparently struck the officer in front of witnesses. A Grand Jury has been convened to investigate and charges may be filed.
She claimed the cop was a racist and that is why he stopped her. - Not one of her co-congress peoples backed her up on the deal.
On Hugh Hewitt's Radio Show yesterday (6 APR 06) Governor Bill Owens of Colorado had this exchange with Hugh:
HH: - ... I've got a lot to cover with you, but first, I understand you and Cynthia McKinney are really quite close.
BO: (laughing) Yeah, right. You know, I was telling your producer that back in the 1980's, I used to take over state legislative groups to the Soviet Union. I was a tour guide, and we would go over there, and I'd show legislators what the Soviet Union was like. I'm anti-Soviet, anti-Communist. It was a great way to do it through the people to people program. Cynthia McKinney was in one of my groups, and within three days, she had told Pravda that she had never felt so free as she did in the Soviet Union. And then when many of us objected, and went to Pravda and asked for equal time, she accused us of being racist.
HH: Did that ever get written down somewhere?
BO: You know, it was in the Bukhara Pravda. There are five or six people here in Colorado, including one person in my cabinet, who was there, and would verify it. I actually called the Georgia Republican Party once about it when she was running her first time. She, in the Soviet Union. Told a Soviet newspaper that she had never felt so free as when she was in the Soviet Union. When we objected, we all became racists.
The entire conversation (with MP3 file) can be found at RadioBlogger.com (Thanks Duane!)
prying1 sez: This exchange came after the news of Cynthia McKinney's non-apology in which she stated"
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I come before this body to personally express again my sincere regret about the encounter with the capitol hill police. I appreciate my colleagues who are standing with me, who love this institution, and who love this country. There should not have been any physical contact in this incident. I have always supported law enforcement and will be voting for H.R. 756, expressing my gratitude and appreciation to the professionalism and dedication of the men and women of the U.S. Capitol police. I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened at all and I regret its escalation and I apologize." (Thanks to Greg Strange at Blogger News Network for the text! The MSM I checked had only a couple lines!)
Great lines from the mini-speech:
sincere regret about the encounter
I appreciate my colleagues who are standing with me (Not one did!!!)
I regret its escalation
The line: "There should not have been any physical contact in this incident." Sort of leaves me wondering if she meant the officer touching her arm or her poking his snoot? I guess she would/could say one or the other or both depending on which group she is flapping her gums towards.
H.R. 756??? What is that??? Well I checked it out and apparently it is the bill excluding from income taxation all compensation received for active service as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States. Click here for more
- What does that have to do with a black woman screaming racist to cover something she did wrong? It has nothing to do with this incident which she labels a misunderstanding. - I for one certainly hope the good people of the wonderful state of Georgia remember this next time they are faced with electing this person.
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Posted by
8:05 AM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Christian Pundits' Comments Dredged Up From Potential Obscurity
I found this exchange on Christian Pundits' blog and thought it needed a bit of daylight. I wrote to her and received her permission to drag it out in the open.
TW said...
You want to know why the war in Iraq is wrong, and why any good christian who supports Bush in this war should be ashamed of themselves. Click on this link. Open your eyes.
The following link has GRAPHIC pictures (unknown origin) of wounded and dead civilians. - prying1 -
Response to tw.
Sorry, but if your link was meant to shock or shame me into admitting that our military action in Iraq is wrong, it didn't work.
Yes, there are innocent victims of warfare, and I grieve for the families of those affected by it.
But what about these innocent victims?
And please don't give me that liberal song-and-dance about Hussein not having anything to do with the 9/11 attacks.
Even Hillary Clinton admitted that Saddam "has given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members."
But if the senseless murder of over 3000 Americans isn't enough to convince you that Hussein had to be stopped, maybe this will.
"From 1977 to 1987, between 4,500 and 5,000 Kurdish villages in northern Iraq were destroyed and the population placed in 'resettlement camps.' As many as 50,000 Kurds died.
In the spring of 1987, thousands of Kurds were killed by chemical and conventional bombs. In at least 40 cases, Gen. Ali Hasan al-Majid, "Chemical Ali," used chemical weapons to kill or chase Kurds from villages.
In 1988, as many as 5,000 Kurds were killed and 10,000 injured in Halabja.
During the Anfal campaign, from February to September 1988, Iraqi soldiers rounded up more than 100,000 Kurds, mostly men and boys, and executed them.
More than 1-million Kurds fled and tens of thousands were killed or imprisoned when Iraq crushed an uprising after the 1991 Persian Gulf War." SOURCE
Wouldn't "any good christian" do everything they can to stop those atrocities tw?
The FULL POST which spawned this exchange can be found here!
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Posted by
10:30 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds: Secret Shoppers Scammed
Please read this and spread the word! - I'm certain you and your friends won't fall for this but what about the friends of your friends?
Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds: Secret Shoppers Scammed
Quotes from Ted's post:
Here is how this latest scam works as reported in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:
"John McCullough, business coordinator for the Financial Crimes Task Force, said the perpetrators ran an ad in the Star Tribune classified section last month luring readers with an offer to be "Secret Shoppers" for "$100/hr. guaranteed" and "no experience necessary."
People who responded to the ad were sent a letter congratulating them on being selected and instructing them to cash a $2,830 check at their bank or other institution, to keep $200 for themselves, and to send most of the rest to the Canadian address. The check-cashing task is described in the letter as an "assignment" to "evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of a payment system called 'Moneygram' which is available at all Wal-Mart (sic)."
- Ted Richardson sez:
As I am constantly saying, Advance Fee is a continuously mutating animal. The Secret Shopper twist is new and if history proves correct, we will see this version of the scam travel quickly in the borderless environment of the internet.
end quotes -
prying1 sez:
Check the comments on the Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds post! Bad guys want your money and foreknowledge will at least slow them down.
Posted by
11:57 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Students Murdered by Illegal Aliens!
From Associated Rooter's News:
...This note (translated from Farsi) was all that was found on the only body that was not completely burnt to ashes. Authorities are still sifting through the wreckage of the school for clues. They expect to find little else.
The job is almost finished. All that is left to do is to die and get the rewards from Allah. It would be nice to take out a few more of the infidels for greater rewards but care must be taken that we walk from this planet under our own power and not from the power of infidels. It is Allah's will that we are still alive but also Allah's will that we meet him soon. All have done their part and the mission is successful.
This Mission of Allah really started a couple years ago when three of our faithful had entered the United States with student visas. They quickly had left their schools, had gotten forged documents and began working in a small town in Southern Texas. The jobs didn't matter. The menial work at a fast food store, gas station and a convenience mart was just a cover for the real job. This job that is almost finished.
They had plenty of money sent to accounts they could access via the internet. Their earnings could be used as they saw fit but the money donated by the faithful was sacred. For Allah's use and none else. It had been given through Moslem charities and laundered through several layers of bank transfers so the financiers will be protected. Many of the financiers live in the U.S. and it will not do to have their covers blown.
Some of the money was used to purchase protective gear such as bullet proof vests and gas masks. Some went to establish a few safe houses. Some went for a few chemicals. Some 'almost' went to American 'gangsters' (now dead) for weapons and ammunition. Some went to traveling about while 'purchasing' weapons and searching for the perfect target. All went to the glory of Allah!
The main portion of the team crossed the Mexico-U.S. border only two nights ago. The mule, who had called himself Pedro, was extremely agitated when he discovered his 'customers' were Arab. He was expecting us to be Guatemalans. His nervousness was abated somewhat but not completely by the large amount of cash received and that nervousness ended at the other end of the trail when the bullet entered his infidel brain and the (counterfeit) money was removed from his other few pitiful possessions. We left him his few possessions. He might need them in his Catholic hell.
10 minutes from Pedro's entry to the eternal home for infidels to the van that awaited us. The entire trip across into Texas was less than four miles from start to finish. We did get our feet wet but not our backs. With the original three brothers that had met only occasionally in the past two years our team was now nine strong. That was more than enough.
Passing through the countryside to the safehouse was uneventful. The driver knew the route and brought us safely 'home'. The plans were played out, maps and diagrams studied. Four doors through which to enter, three hallways to herd the children and teachers to the cafeteria. Over 1000 infidels in all. Two spoke Farsi, claimed allegiance to Allah and we released them to their homes.
Besnia had taught us well. We did not bother with the hostage and rescue nonsense. We released the gas which sent most of the children and teachers to the infidel's hell, shot the rest who had not succumbed to our homemade gas and waited for the local police and firemen to came into range of our firepower.
The fear of death by these little pigs and their teachers shows they know their final resting place will be without Allah! Allah be praised!
Three minutes forty five seconds and the first two 'rescuers' were dead. Seven more dead or injured by the time five minutes had elapsed. Twenty five more of the infidel dogs have been sent to hell and the two grenades we had are expended. I love loud noises. I wish I could have watched as they went off and ripped through the pigs bodies. Shrapnel prevented my watching. I can only hope many more were maimed and killed.
Lots of ammunition left but I think it is near time for us to end our work here. Allah has been served through our actions but apparently the infidels, through heat sensing devices, have figured out that the children are dead and we are the only ones alive.
Allah be praised!!!
Local politicians are blaming the federal government. The federal government promises new laws but no fence or walls despite the popular demand even by a large majority of Mexican-Americans.
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Posted by
10:00 PM