Overheard at a supermarket checkout line:
Why didn't those planes slam into the U.N. building?
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well-meaning but without understanding" - - Mr. Justice Louis D. Brandeis, 1928 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It is not a sin to be ignorant but it is a sin to remain ignorant. - - prying1, 2006
August 15 2006 - Bill Clinton - Before the 16th International AIDS Conference in Toronto, Canada. - "In just a few days, I will be 60 years old. I hate it, but it's true," he stated.
Ben Shapiro noted this 'Ode to Clinton's ego' (by Bill Clinton) in an article he wrote. - Clinton's Prostate Turns 60 - I thought the title so good I stole it for this blogpost.
As Shapiro notes this was an Aids Conference. I could see Bill talking about it at his birthday party but this was a conference that was designed to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. Billy Boy uses it as a way to remind people to buy him a present...
Good article Shapiro wrote comparing the post cold war Clinton years and the war on terrorism years we are currently in. Do we need Dr. Phil or Churchill in office? I suggest you go read it AFTER you finish reading this post and leaving a comment.
Ben Shapiro got me off on a rabbit trail concerning the Toronto event. I wondered what can these conferences be doing and saying that demands all this money be spent on those who attend them instead of taking care of AIDS patients.
So here is a few lines I culled from Google news on the subject of the 16th International AIDS Conference:
Socialist Worker Online: The great powers, and politicians such as George Bush and Tony Blair bear the heaviest responsibility for the death toll of Aids.
The original red team went on to say:
But governments in the developing world also stand in the way of tackling Aids.
The South African government stall at the Toronto conference featured lemons, garlic and beets, which it claimed were helpful in treating Aids.
Nathan Geffen, TAC's national manager who was at the conference, told Socialist Worker, "There is a plethora of rhetoric at these events, but much less delivery."
Lifesite.net has the headline: Even Canadian Government says Toronto AIDS Conference Irrational - Canada's federal Health Minister, Tony Clement, expressed his frustration with the Toronto International AIDS Conference saying the meeting was so politically charged it was "becoming a place where you couldn't have a rational discussion."
Clement ... announced the creation of a government-funded centre to study the root social causes of disease. (I want that job. Just sit around and blog all day and when they ask for the answer just say, "Zippers that work both ways.")
Clement's criticisms of the Conference were echoed in Thursday's National Post in a piece by Fr. Raymond de Souza, a priest of the Archdiocese of Kingston and a regular columnist for the Post. He wrote that the Conference was more about a self-congratulatory cult of celebrity than about AIDS and touted a one-sided approach to AIDS that has more to do with politics than the disease.
"In the midst of Stephen Lewis lauding Bill Clinton praising Bill Gates congratulating Bill Clinton paying tribute to Stephen Lewis," De Souza wrote, "it is hard to know what to make" of the AIDS Conference.
Posted by
6:08 AM
Well the good folks at The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants to put black boxes into your auto. Whether you like it or not.
It is for your own good of course. Whether you like it or not.
Eric Peters wrote an article giving more details. Here is a little teaser of what he says:
You can read the rest at: - AOL - Autos - Who's Watching?
Tied into GPS navigation computers, EDRs could give interested parties the ability to take automated ticketing to the next level. Since the data recorders can continuously monitor most of the operating parameters of a vehicle as it travels -- and the GPS unit can precisely locate the vehicle in "real time," wherever it happens to be at any given moment -- any and all incidents of "speeding" could be immediately detected and a piece of paying paper issued to the offender faster than he could tap the brake. That's even if he knew he was in the crosshairs, which of course he wouldn't. Probably they'll just erect an electronic debiting system of some sort that ties directly into your checking account -- since the paperwork could not keep up with the massive uptick in fines that would be generated.
If you think this is just a dark-minded paranoiac vision, think again. Rental car companies have already deployed a very similar system of onboard electronic monitoring to identify customers who dare to drive faster than the posted limit -- and automatically tap them with a "surcharge" for their scofflaw ways. While this inventive form of "revenue enhancement" was challenged and subsequently batted down by the courts, the technology continues to be honed -- and quietly put into service.
Posted by
10:30 AM
letting them get you down!
That is one of the philosophies of life I live by and so does T.L. Stanley of the good old New Rosemead Times.
So what happened? Whuts the problum? - Google's Blogger.com has gotten uppety and decided to put out a new BETA.blogger.com and integrated the new with Google's entire services so one password firts all.
"what's a firt?" you ask? Started as a typo but I think it should be made into a new word to describe what Google did. - Nice idea but it left some that were satisfied before the changes out in the cold...
Ever been there? I have been lots of times...
Problem is that it incorporated more that some accounts were ready for and T.L. was one of those left out in the cold. He could not access his old account to post blogs.
Did that Stop him?
Not a bit!
T.L. has made himself a new home at Rosemead Times Today!
Ever see the Incredibles?
Posted by
8:38 PM
Church was really good today. Wish you were there. For those of you who could not make it here is a very small touch of the sermon.
Bottom line: It matters not which way we face nor where we are on planet earth. - We keep seeking God while we do not have to. God will seek after us when we learn to worship Him.
target="_blank">John Chapter 4 vs. 21-24 - (Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well) -
21: Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22: You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23: Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24: God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." - (NIV)
Posted by
5:19 PM
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