Thanks to Web Loafer of Sanity's Bluff for this one:
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Write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008
Visit Cary Cartter at
- "I'm Thinking of the "O" Word..." -
well-meaning but without understanding" - - Mr. Justice Louis D. Brandeis, 1928 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It is not a sin to be ignorant but it is a sin to remain ignorant. - - prying1, 2006
Thanks to Web Loafer of Sanity's Bluff for this one:
True Story:
Wifeypoo & I are having an argument. It ends though when we figure out that we've been agreeing with each other from the beginning. We were just using different words to express the same thing.
Hey!!! We were both right.
It's so satisfying to end an argument that way.
I love the English language.
- While posting this I discovered that typing "ARGUEMANT" gets the squiggly red line underneath that shows it is mis-spelled.
So I've mis-spelled the word and know I've been doing so for years. Google search pulls up a number 23 for the hits (prying1 "arguement") But I know some of those are duplicated and some are from pages where other people mis-spelled it but my name was involved because I was a commenter or innocent bystander.
Only ten times tops! Don't believe me? I'd like to argue all day over it but I don't want to start an arguement. Oops! - That's eleven. expects me to change my evil ways and spell it "ARGUMENT".
Now! Should I continue mis-spelling it or straighten up my act?
I vote for cleaning up my act.
Which brings me up to the quote of the day:
- from Who Was She - a short story written by Bayard Taylor
...if confession were not good for the soul, though harder than sin to some people, of whom I am one....
Tim Stanley got on me for not posting. OK Tim! Here it is.
A book review of Gus the Great by Thomas W. Duncan - 1947 (first editions will be 'stated' This was reprinted and became a BOMC.) J. B. Lippincott Company
One thing people should think about when faced with a decision of purchasing a used book. - Am I purchasing this as/for a collector's copy? Never to be read but to sit on a shelf. A shrine of sorts. To be adored as such. - OR - Am I purchasing this for enjoyment to be read, handled, perhaps smudged a bit more than it already was before I picked it up?
Ok. That's two things. To quote someone else that once made a mistake, "So sue me!".
I would suggest purchasing Gus the Great for the second reason. It will never attain much value as a collectible issue even in it's first state with a fine, fine, super fine book jacket and signed by the author.
- (From - First edition. Fine in near fine dust jacket with the original price on front flap. Signed by the author "For.. friend of long standing, Thomas W. Duncan." $35.00) -
- (Another DREAMER from the UK lists their copy as: - Good condition Publisher: Lippincott Date of Publication: 1947 Binding: Hard Cover Condition: Good/No Dust Wrapper; $116.63/£49.95)
My copy is not for sale...
So I just purchased a library. I'm looking to sell 95% of the books. And now I'm posting on a ratty covered book that I can find on eBay for less than 5 bucks (shipping included) or could hopefully come across in a thrift store for a dollar.
Because I enjoyed reading it and think that others might also.
I hated doing book reports in school but now I find myself doing the same of my own volition. - For what it is worth. Here it is.
This book starts out with a fat man, one that had recently been fast losing weight, (Wattles exquisitely described as author paints pictures with words in an artistic manner. - Much painted in this book is prettier than this picture...) CAREFULLY approaching a piece of land described in the first sentence as having "elephants buried on it". Yet this is not Africa. It is in the middle of the U.S.A..
We learn that this is Gus. "Augustus Howard Burgoyne", who was named after two men, one of which was definitely his father.
From here the book goes back in time. With a brief pause here and there, to the late 1800's, through the story of the birth, beginnings, early adolescence, young to old life of Gus.
Here is a likable, lovable man who never read, or if he did read never understood the 10 Commandments. Boisterous and influential. A leader who often drew people into situations that would cost them. The kind of person that if you met him you would like and want to be friends with but you would be smart to stay away from if it meant money out of your pocket. A con artist with a good heart.
From his low beginnings Gus rises to that position he dreamed of as a child. A successful circus owner. - Hence the elephants in the first sentence.
But what is success without scruples?
Often humorous and even more often than we like to admit to ourselves and others this book shows a side of life that includes us all. - Whether we want to admit it or not... - Somewhere in this book every person on the planet is brought forth and paraded for all to see. There is even a printer, as I am, in it. Actually two or three of 'em but I don't think all of 'em are like me.
I would suggest that those who enjoy fiction, romance and humor purchase the book. This books deals with the late 1800's to early 1900's America. A time frame that went from horse to auto, gas to electric, telephone, movies, and so many more changes.
YET! men's hearts remained the same...
Thomas W. Duncan worked hard on writing and this book shows it. - Going through the timeline you will ask questions and at the last sentence ALL will be answered. - Very well written and should be considered a classic.
prying1 rating: Four Thumbs Up (Don't ask about my rating system. I have not figured it out yet. When I do I'm sure 'Four Thumbs Up' will be very high up there. - Just get the book and read it at your convenience. Hopefully you will find it in a thrift shop and not have to pay shipping.
And I concur.
Heeeeeeeres Cary!
Make A Difference - Vote For Common Sense - Write In Cary Cartter for President in 2008
Monday Campaign Notes - 8/27/2007
It has been a while since I last issued a "Monday Campaign Note" - something that was mentioned to me yesterday while talking with Douglas Gibbs. On the bright side, I was able to spend almost an hour in conversation with someone who had the same Christian-based world-view that I do, which was most enjoyable. Thanks, Doug.
Oh, yeah - campaign stuff.
The reason for Doug's call is that he needed to bump me from my scheduled September 1, 2007 appearance on his Blog Talk Radio Show for a very interesting guest. I told him that anytime he has a guest that needs a slot that I was scheduled for, please feel free - I'm very flexible, and it is his show. But especially, if the guest is one that can maybe expose some more of the mindset that we are fighting against in this World War on Terror.
So, I've been rescheduled. Won't you give a listen and call in? Details are in the rescheduled link.
Immigration - what a tempest!
I received an e-mail from NumbersUSA regarding the current crop of Career Politicians and their cough"stance"cough on the flow of legal immigrant workers to be hired by US companies, in order to depress the level of wages these companies need to pay. After the illegal invader issue, this is going to be a hot button topic. At least, it should be. By increasing the numbers of legal immigrants that are being brought in to specifically fill jobs that otherwise would go to a citizen at a higher (read: more fair) pay rate, the overall level of wages will be depressed, causing our economy to continue to spiral downward toward the class split that the economists and liberal think is best for this nation.
I am not against legal immigration. I'm all for it. But not to flood the work market with lower-earning workers to bring the overall wage level down. That's just counter-productive. There is a fine line between paying a competitive wage and not finding enough workers for your business. I'm no expert, but I believe that if a business can pay a wage that will draw workers to it, even in competition with other, more highly skilled positions, then that business will be successful. A company that is more interested in paying it's owner or CEO more than Midas ever saw deserves to have labor problems, and even face the market truth of "Be Competitive or Be Forgotten." Actually, that's something I just made up. But it does have a ring of truth, doesn't it?
Now, if you've read this far, perhaps you are wondering just where I'm coming from. A little further down are links that will take you to my platform.
But, this campaign needs help. Lots of help. Each state where I will be a write-in candidate needs me to file with them the names of electors from that state. The electors will travel to the electoral college after the November 2008 election, and cast their vote for me as the candidate. Travel is reimbursed, if that makes a difference. Then there are the states that don't accept write-in candidates for the office of President. My name needs to appear on the ballot on those states. I will need, besides electors, people willing to circulate and file petitions for my name to appear on the ballot.
All of these positions would be on a volunteer basis. As mentioned, travel to the electoral college would be reimbursed.
This campaign is running on word of mouth and no expenditures - and no contributions are being solicited. If enough volunteers can get together and cause a grass-roots swelling happen, then Cary Cartter can be elected President of the United States in November 2008.
If you feel you are Out of Voting Choices, then choose to Make a Difference - write in Cary Cartter for President in November 2008. Please help me get the word out.
If you would like to know more about my platform, please visit my blog. If you have any questions you would like to see addressed, or if you would like to help spread the word about my campaign, you can e-mail me here.
Tag: Write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008
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7:22 PM
Labels: Cartter 2008, Elections, Politics
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