In case you've missed the news recently: One of the few democratic nations in the Middle East recently got tired of being attacked by terrorists and decided to do something about it. Israel is fighting a group of terrorists. If Israel were truly attacking Lebanon the whole country would be denuded by now. Some people have gotten upset as a result of Israel's protecting themselves. They want the victim in this news story, that is Israel, to sit down, admit they are the aggressors, shut up and keep taking hits from terrorists.
Listening to talk radio recently has become a real treat. People call in condemning Israel and claiming victimhood for a bonafide terrorist organization called Hezbollah.
When asked by the rightwing talkshow hosts, "Do you support Hezbollah?" callers will start blubbering about how many innocent Lebanese have been killed. Called back to the question by the host they then complain that Israel is using indiscriminate and excessive use of force against innocent civilians. Called back to the question they will cry about the plight of the poor pitiful Palestinians. Called back to the question they will snivel about Israel's over-reacting. When called back to the question they will talk about a proportional response.
Some have said that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. They must ignore history in order to say that because Hezbollah bombed the U.S. Marine barracks and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut.
It seems that very few of the callers on talk radio that want Israel to stop beating up on the terrorists will own up that they support the Terrorist organization Hezbollah. Very rarely is America treated to a real expose of liberals.
prying1 sez:
Idiots! Every one of them! Are they really so ignorant and blinded (most likely by "Bush Hatred") that they cannot see standing that their against Israel in this battle is to stand by a group of terrorists. As Bob Dillon sang during his Christian phase, "You gotta serve somebody!"
The blockheads that stand against Israel are supporting people that would slit their throats and post a video of it on the internet.
I do not think all of these dimwits are evil. Just wrong!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
People in the U.S. supporting Terrorists
Posted by
9:34 PM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
President Bush's Life Threatened By Nobel Peace Laureate
Huffington Compost tipped us on to this one so I'll be doing some cut and paste from there. -
HuffPo Readers Advocate Assassinating The President(link to Huffpo article Here: Nobel Peace Laureate: "I Would Love To Kill George Bush"...
NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W. Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren. - story here -
Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum, being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths of innocent children during wartime, particularly in the Middle East, and lambasted Mr Bush.
"I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64.
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered.
~~~~~Senor Peerpressure sez: This is what you can expect when you hand out the Nobel Peace Prize to people like Betty Williams and Yassar Arafat. It's especially disconcerting when peace prize winners address schoolchildren with dialogue like this.
To the moonbats over at the HuffPo this is just the red meat they have been lacking all week and they are famished:
Comments from HuffPo readers include the following.
- I Will Help You Drive The Stake In his/its, Heartless Body...
By: olbodog on July 24, 2006 at 08:05pm- There's a cause worth giving up one's life for.
But you'd have to slay the whole cabal. Take out Bush and they'd just insert another puppet, probably Jeb. The Bush Crime Family wouldn't miss Dubya.
By: olivia on July 24, 2006 at 09:55pm- lets face it who would have protested someone killing hitler. think of the deaths bush has brought about, would you kill him if you could get away with it?
By: JimLarkin on July 24, 2006 at 11:23pm- You'd just be killing a puppet. You'd have to get Cheney, Rumsfield, Perle, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, and a whole slew of them together.
By: TrueConservative on July 24, 2006 at 11:25pm- theres nothing like showing folks the damage of a high-powered rifle to the forehead to rattle the dreams of empire out of their hearts
By: JimLarkin on July 24, 2006 at 11:29pm- i wonder how many of us would gladly give up our own lives if we knew that we could take this monkeychimp president and his criminal gang with us ???
By: EthylineGass on July 25, 2006 at 12:41am- Killing Bush would be like shooting a useless hunting dog. Just get another damn dog.
By: toadicux on July 25, 2006 at 01:46am- Would you have wanted to kill Adolf Hitler back in 1940??? Bush IS Hitler to most of this nation and nearly all the rest of the world.
By: timothyone on July 25, 2006 at 04:30am- Now if she would have said ALL in the immediate and extended bush clan, the world would have really clapped. This is one gene puddle that needs to be expunged from history and the future.
By: blather on July 25, 2006 at 02:27am
prying1 sez: The comments at Huffpo swing both ways with people calling for the hanging of Betty Williams by some and calling for the murder of George Bush by others. Seems to me that threatening any American President is likely to start an investigation and an FBI file started up. Are these moonbats that ignorant?
I remember the distaste down to the hatred for the Clintons but never did I hear people calling for their murder and death. The route taken was impeachment. The fevered rhetoric on the left is floweth over.
The Democratic Party needs to disassociate themselves from this bunch. JFK must be rolling over in his grave...
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Posted by
6:44 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The Real Answer to Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Mary Mostert of Banner of Liberty dot com had an article concerning embryonic stem cell research published at The Conservative Voice. Her arguments in favor of federal funding of embryonic stem cell research seemed to be threefold. (Italics are my words)
1: "that human life requires and begins in a mother's nurturing womb." - (Sperm and an egg in a Petri dish do not count as life.)
2: "A critical aspect of being pro-life is helping the living. Helping those struggling with the challenges of debilitating diseases is exactly what embryonic stem-cell research promises." - (An appeal to emotionalism with a 'promise' that cannot be backed up with a 'promise' for reimbursement.")
3: Senator Orrin Hatch supports it. (Well that settles it!)
prying1 sez: Let's leave aside the religious/life aspects of the argument in this debate. - The people supporting federal funding of this issue could care less about it anyway. They either deny the embryo is alive or human or don't care if it is.
I have an argument that will not shut them up either because it seems that they could care less about anything except this pet project.
My comment to Mary Mostert at the Conservative Voice site is as follows:
It is not illegal for companies to process unclaimed embryos for their embryonic stem cell research. Let them do so on their dime!
What I see is another program set up by the government where 90% of the funds goes toward paying people that will be doing none of the research themselves but instead shuffling papers at taxpayer expense!
The private sector will be more streamlined, cost effective and more likely to get results if there are any to be had.
Start scooping taxpayer money at it and the people involved will only want more and more money. It will be like a very messy pie eating contest.
Those so anxious for embryonic stem cell research should find companies doing it and INVEST THEIR OWN HARD EARNED DOLLARS IN STOCKS.
That is the American way!
... P.S. ...
~~~~~Thank you President Bush for vetoing H.R. 810!~~~~~
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Posted by
6:38 AM