A lot of discussion on the possible missile launch in/from North Korea. (CNN link hat tip to AubreyJ.org) Should it be taken out on the pad, knocked out of the sky or just ignored?
Here are some one liners I've heard about it.
We should see where it is heading and if they aim it at San Francisco don't waste our ordinance but if it's aiming for L.A. shoot it down. (Sorry Gentle Cricket)
This will give us a chance to see if Rockwell and Hughes and all those other outfits working on the "Star Wars" system have been wasting our money.
Wonder if we can break into their computer system and turn it around back at 'em after they launch.
For a country that doesn't even have a decent bicycle factory they sure have come a long way.
Wouldn't that be something if it goes out of control and hits Peking.
Do they really expect slave labor to do a good job?
prying1 sez: This post is meant to be light hearted humor but we should remember that the current North Korean government has some of the worst human abuse records in history. Pray for the downfall of Kim Jong Il and that his demise will set the people free...
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Missile & Weather In North Korea Ready For Launch
Posted by
9:06 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Just A Thought...or
Why Wear Hazmat Suits For Degraded Weapons?
I wonder if the Bush Haters that say the WMD's found in Iraq are degraded would prove it to us by licking one of the bombs? Would any "progressive" crack one open, place one hand in it and then eat supper without washing beforehand? Would any Michael Moore fan use one as a door stop?
Wait a second. Most of them would.
In digging a little deeper I came across a wacky looser lefty site that had a link to another whimsical "progressive" news site that had a link to this site:
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Here is the layout: Spring Valley, Washington D.C. U.S.A. - During World War I, the Spring Valley area was used for the development and testing of chemical weapons.
Mustard, lewisite, cyanogen chloride, adamsite, phosgene, and other toxic agents were scattered liberally about the area. Bombs with this stuff in it were exploded to check the effects on goats and dogs that were staked nearby.
Years later the neighborhood became a residential development.
Then on Jan 5, 1993 (Under The first Bush's Presidency) a backhoe uncovered some 'live' munitions and apparently some of these contained mustard agent from WWI. Hazmat teams have scoured the area since. They check old aerial photographs to show clues as to where these weapons and nerve agents might be buried.
Quotes follow:
End quotes - Go check the article. Quite a read...Chemical weapons: Buried in the backyard But the past came back to haunt Spring Valley on January 5, 1993, when a backhoe digging a sewer line in front of a recently constructed house in a luxury development uncovered a cache of rusting munitions, including four unexploded mortar rounds and three 75-millimeter artillery shells. [Martin Weil and Santiago O'Donnell, "WWI Munitions Unearthed at D.C. Construction Site," Washington Post, January 6, 1993, p. D1.] Within hours, army bomb-removal specialists wearing gas masks arrived by helicopter from Aberdeen Proving Group in Maryland. They determined that the mortar rounds still had fuses in them--that they were "live" and extremely dangerous. Some of the munitions were also believed to contain mustard agent, an oily liquid that causes painful and debilitating burns and blisters on the skin and can inflict fatal lung damage if inhaled. Today, eight years later, additional chemical weapon dump sites have been discovered in Spring Valley, and the cleanup continues.
The health concerns of Spring Valley residents were heightened by reports of several cases of unusual illnesses on Sedgwick Street, where houses had been built over one of the trenches where chemical weapons were tested in 1918. Two residents of the street had died of multiple myeloma, a bone-marrow cancer that strikes about five people per 100,000. In addition, the December 2000 issue of Washingtonian Magazine reported two cases of aplastic anemia over the past 30 years in adjacent houses on Sedgwick Street. (A rare disease involving an unexplained failure of the bone marrow to produce blood cells, aplastic anemia affects one person in 400,000 and has been linked to exposure to environmental toxins, including arsenic.) A fifth case of serious illness, pernicious anemia, had been diagnosed earlier in a 19-year-old woman who was then living on Sedgwick Street. [Steve Vogel, "Arsenic, Illnesses Worry D.C.," Washington Post, January 27, 2001, p. A1.]
Prying1 sez: So if this stuff is degraded by being old why the Hazmat Suits? And does this explain Ted "Gurgle Gurgle" Kennedy
What would be the reaction of the radical left if terrorists had gotten hold of just a few of the 500 WMD's found in Iraq. What if Saddam had given some to his buddies?
Imagine we had not ousted Saddam. He would still have this stuff. If a couple of serin or mustard bombs had found their way out of Iraq, onto a freighter and finally up the Mississippi to Saint Louis would the liberals be happy because they could and would blame Bush? They would have screamed bloody murder blaming Bush for not attacking Iraq.
The left has no plan. You can look to the Democratic Senate for proof.
Can we afford to let these nutters run the country? Not as long as there are still bloody terrorists that torture and mutilate for their cause...
Click here for the effects of Serin
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Posted by
10:07 PM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
This will not shut up the nutters, the foil hat crowd or the "progressive" liberals because they will say it is all lies put out by that evil son of Hitler, the personification of Satan and not a nice guy, President George W. Bush. Here it is for the rest of us... -
From the wonderful Hugh Hewitt Radio Show
compliments of Generalissimo Duane of ~ Rick SantorumR-PA~ ~ An interview with ~
In quotes following:
- HH = Hugh Hewitt
- RS = Rick Santorum
- ~~~~~ = break in the text I cut and pasted
HH: Well, you've made some news today, and I'd like to explore with you what exactly was being said, because we can't find the tape. Evidently, you've got some declassified information detailing 500 different shells containing prohibited weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But let me ask you, what did you announce today?
RS: What we announced was that after two and a half months of being aware of this document, we were able to get a copy of the document, and convince the intelligence community to give us a declassified version of the document. It is a very short synopsis, and I would argue incomplete synopsis, but nevertheless, it's vitally important, because what it does say, and I'll quote from it, "since 2003," so since the Iraq War, "coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain mustard or sarin nerve agent."
(Above link to Doc is compliments of NationalReview.com - PDF file that needs reader...)
RS: You know, I can't talk about what additionally it tells you. All I can tell you is there have been published reports on blog sites about this report...and the published reports say that 75% of these 500 or so weapons were in fact filled and usable, and very dangerous for the...if got to improper hands.
HH: Senator Santorum, can you tell us the name of the blog on which that report was featured?
RS: I will get it to you. How's that? I don't have it in front of me. (Compliments of NationalReview.com - PDF file that needs reader...)
HH: That's fine. Again, putting away the classified stuff, focusing on the unclassified and published reports, is it your impression, Senator Santorum, that there have been a number of such discoveries?
RS: It is my impression that there have been a number of such discoveries. It's my impression that this is a very dangerous situation in Iraq, with the number of chemical weapons still believed to exist out there, and the threat that they might in fact get into the wrong hands. So Saddam, it is clear, from this report, had lots of chemical weapons around, and that people got their hands on them. So this is exactly what we were concerned about, that Saddam in fact had large stockpiles of chemical weapons, and would in fact...those chemical weapons could in fact get into the hands of people who would like to do harm to America.
HH: Now Senator, is it your impression that the classified nature of this material is in place in order to protect the information that might assist insurgents from finding additional stockpiles? Is that...
RS: There's certainly...that is clearly an element, and there are certainly parts of this report that were not released that should not be released. And that would certainly be one element of it. But there are other elements that I think can be released that could shed more light as to the volume of the problem that we're confronting, or that we confronted in the sense that how many chemical weapons did Saddam Hussein have prior to the Gulf War, the second Gulf War.
RS: The ones that are identified in the declassified information, are identified as pre-1991 munitions. Again, a lot of the discussion...there's going to be discussion of well, we haven't found any post-1991 munitions.
End quotes! -
prying1 sez: Now is the time for the progressives/liberals to come out and say this is a plot by the Bush Administration to fool/lie to us again. (Message to progressives/liberals: We are not dealing with Dan Rather!) Those in their right minds can ignore them.
These weapons are from pre 1991. Sanctions were effective in keeping Saddam from producing new weapons but were not effective in forcing him to give up the old ones.
This shows once again that Saddam was not cooperating with the U.N. who had their own reasons for not wanting him ousted. The U.N. would still be ineffective at finding this stuff. This is all the more reason for not turning Iraq over to the U.N. as some have suggested we do.
There are those in the United States who feel having socialists in power in Washington D.C. is more important than the safety of our nation and the lives of the people of Iraq. They are calling for the U.S. to "Cut and Run". Then they whine and complain when the right calls them on it. Today I heard a piece where Jane Harman D-CA tried to change the line to "Cut and Win". Just like they changed their label from 'liberal' to 'progressive'. Changing the word will not make it something else.
We cannot afford to placate these people in any way. All they deserve is ridicule and scorn! And to be voted out of office.
More can be found at Radioblogger.com with the complete interview in MP3 format - Enjoy!!!
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Posted by
10:06 PM
McComb Speech Shows Idiocy of ACLU and Public Schools
From Review Journal.com - Italics Mine - prying1 -
The decision to cut short (Brittany) McComb's commencement speech Thursday at The Orleans drew jeers from the nearly 400 graduates and their families that went on for several minutes.
At least the students knew cutting off the mic was wrong. They did not teach that out of them!
However, Clark County School District officials and an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union said Friday that cutting McComb's mic was the right call.
Because they say it is does not make it so!
Graduation ceremonies are school-sponsored events, a stance supported by federal court rulings, and as such may include religious references but not proselytizing, they said.
And who decides which is which?
They said (Brittany) McComb's speech amounted to proselytizing and that her commentary could have been perceived as school-sponsored.
Was the ACLU afraid that the Spirit of God was going to fall and everyone was going to jump up yammering in other tongues?
Before she delivered her commencement speech, (Brittany) McComb met with Foothill administrators, who edited her remarks.
So who's speech is it then?
It's standard district practice to have graduation speeches vetted before they are read publicly.
This is a good idea in case a valedictorian decides to use cursing and swearing in their speech. As if they would.
prying1 sez: This is typical of the left in America. What gets me is many of the 'free speech advocate' leftist bloggers think it was the right thing to do.
Anyone have a link to the speech itself I (and others of course) would appreciate a pointer to it.
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Posted by
8:13 AM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Yahoo Email Worm - JS.Yamanner@m
They say it is 'low impact' but I'm sure you do not want a worm running through your system. If you use Yahoo email and receive one from av3@yahoo.com - DO NOT OPEN IT! - - Simply delete the email! - Opening it will allow a JavaScript program to spread though other Yahoo email addresses in the users address book. Don't do that to your friends!
To block the address (Options/mail options/spam/block addresses) and enter av3@yahoo.com into the add block space.
From link below: The worm, which Symantec calls JS.Yamanner@m, is different from others in that a user merely has to open the e-mail to cause it to run, said Kevin Hogan, senior manager for Symantec Security Response. Mass-mail worms have usually been contained in an attachment with an e-mail note encouraging a user to open it.
When activated, the worms then sends itself to other users in the victim's address book who also use Yahoo e-mail with the suffixes of @yahoo.com or @yahoogroups.com. The worm mimics a function within Yahoo's Web mail called "Quickbuilder," which allows a user to add contacts in an address book from received e-mail, Hogan said. The process, however, is transparent to the victim, he said.
The harvested e-mail addresses are sent to a remote server. Users of Yahoo Mail Beta do not appear to be affected, Symantec said.
The worm also opens a browser that displays a Web page that does not appear to contain malicious content.
Although Yahoo's Web e-mail has not been fixed, users are advised to update virus and firewall definitions and block any e-mail sent from av3@yahoo.com. The subject line of the e-mail with the worm says "New Graphic Site," and the body says "this is test."
PC World has an article on it if you want to know more.
Yahoo says they have the worm contained! Hat tip to BlogGossip.com -Technorati Tags -
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Yahoo Worm -
Email -
Posted by
8:32 PM
2 U.S. Soldiers Found Dead
Reuters is reporting from Bagdad Although not officially confirmed until next of kin are informed Iraqi Defense Ministry official Major General Abdul Aziz Mohammed told Reuters the bodies of Privates Thomas Lowell Tucker, 25, and Kristian Menchaca, 23, were found by a joint U.S.-Iraqi force on Monday near an electricity plant in Yusufiya, the area in which they were abducted on Friday.
May the Living God comfort their loved ones and grant them peace that surpasses all understanding. -
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Posted by
6:54 AM