I finally got some free time today to blogsurf my personal blogroll. Looks like it is going to take while because I've not been visiting my friends as much as I would like. Taking a while to catch up on some of them...
Stopped by Huffington Compost and found he was under attack by liberals on one of his postings.
The one line he posted, "G> No terrorist attacks on US soil" drew these remarks from his commentors.
- quote: -
"A draft is coming because we are going to war with Iran."
"No terrorists brought war to us, Terrorists performed a single act of terrorism, which we then, like base simians, attack the weakest guy available to make ourselves look tough. Nice huh? America, World Bully. So, if we've been under attack by terrorists for over 15 years, why is it that when Clinton tried to do something about it, the Republicans kept shouting about "wag the dog" and trying to distract america from his marital and extra-marital affairs? Could it be that politics is your only real worry, and that american safety means nothing?
- end quotes -
prying1 sez: I'll ignore the lower case 'america" and say: "A SINGLE ACT OF TERRORISM"??? - Then the commentor admits that "Clinton tried to do something about it"??? - These people just will not admit that evil people have been killing, want to continue killing and will continue killing innocents around the world. The Moonbats will not understand that WE ARE AT WAR!
Cole, U.S. Embassies (remember the one during Carter's administration?), World Trade Center (hit twice not once), not to mention that more nations on this planet have been hit by terrorists than not!
Moonbats are going to be voting for Democrats in the upcoming elections. Osama bin Laden and the terrorists would love to vote for Democrats and Democrats would accept their votes. For all we know they might have fistfuls of absentee ballots and Democrats would love it if they did. As long as they get their power back!!! - Hate Bush is all they have this election cycle...
Don't help the Moonbats and terrorists get their way!Vote Republican or stay home!
Democrats cannot be trusted to take the war on terrorism seriously! They do take the Moonbats seriously. We saw that when Michael Moore was seated next to Jimmy Carter!
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Moonbats Rising
The Salvation Army Story
On occasion I meet people that belong to the Salvation Army. I don't really think of the group as a 'denomination' although I guess it is. The good works they do is a result of their relationship with God and not a means towards acquiring salvation as some might think.
Their group has the best record for having donations go towards helping people as opposed to going to operations or advertising. I know that when I drag a bundle of stuff to them, donate cash to or shop at one of their thrift stores the proceeds will have the most impact for what they direct it towards. I trust them more than I do some other charity groups.
John at Scotwise has a posting on the founders of the Salvation Army. Quite a good read. Inspiring and informative. Take a couple minutes and check it out. - Oh! Leave John a comment to let him know you've visited.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Orange County Mailing Scandal - Scare Tactic Letter
Updated with a new post here -
I'm always amazed at how quickly Republicans jump on their own when irregularities are found out. - On the other hand I'm always amazed at how slowly Democrats will jump on their own when irregularities are discovered. If Democrats jump at all...
We've seen examples of this through the Scandals/Ethics Charges of Mark Foley (ex-R-FL) - (Quits in disgrace) and Harry Reid (D-NV) (Who Can't Bleed)
- For those who missed the news, it was revealed that Mark Foley had been having homosexually charged computer comunications (IM's) with a young male page. I've heard that the communications were actually after the page had turned 18 but the press and opponents still called the affair pedophilia. The page, it appears, was responding to Mark Foley's IM's as a gag, just leading him on, and was not really seeking a sexual relationship with Foley. Mixed in the story is the fact that their were first some emails sent that were not at all risque and later the IM's that were. The two get mixed up in the retelling.
Harry Reid on the other hand apparently had sold property to a casino lobbyist pal in 2001 and two years later recieved $700,000 from it's next sale. He did not report it to the Senate Ethics Committee on which he was serving at the time.
While the two stories have different motivations both concern ethics and the Republican is out on his ear while the Democrat is going to change his report filing with the Senate...
Mixed also into the scrum is Dennis Hastert (R-IL who is accused of knowing of the (innocuous) emails in advance and also of working to pass a highway bill that increased the value of property he owned.
Now I turn to the "Orange County Mailer Scandal". - A letter written in Spanish was sent out to Hispanics in Orange County, California in which it stated, "You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time." - It also said federal officials are keeping a searchable database – available to anti-illegal immigration groups – that tracks people casting votes. -
- What was left out of the letter were the words, "Immigrants who are adult naturalized citizens are eligible to vote." - Had that been put in it would be no big deal EXCEPT - The letter was on a forged letterhead. - The mailer was sent on letterhead from the California Coalition for Immigration Reform
Barbara Coe, founder and chairperson of the Huntington Beach based anti-illegal immigration coalition, said her group had nothing to do with the mailer.
Coe is quoted as saying: "We would never send a letter like this to an individual, because we don't know their status," ... "The letterhead was altered and I've never head of any Sergio Ramirez," (Whose name was signed on the letter). ... "Who really knows what the story is?"
Coe has received death threats. (prying1 sez: I hope that is being investigated!!!)
Tan D. Nguyen, The Republican running for office against Representative Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) said that he had no knowledge of the mailers and fired a staffer and is treading water trying to stay in the race. Republicans and Democrats both are calling for him to quit. Everybody wants him to be thrown underneath the bus. - Well! Almost everybody.
U.S. Immigration Reform PAC Supports Nguyen and California Flier
The Washington, D.C.- based U.S. Immigration Reform Political Action Committee (USIRP) reiterated its endorsement for congressional candidate Tan D. Nguyen and said it sees "nothing wrong" with a bulk-mail flier his campaign sent to the foreign-born in Orange County, Calif., warning that illegal immigrants cannot vote.
USIRP Communications Director Phil Kent said, "What is wrong with sending a message that immigrants here illegally cannot vote in elections? A campaign or individual has every right to disseminate that opinion under the First Amendment -- especially when you consider this is the No. 1 suspect district in the country because state and federal probes revealed over 1,000 illegal aliens voted in the 1996 November's congressional election."
prying1 sez:
I think that everyone is too quick to jump on the "HANG HIM AND HANG HIM HIGH" bandwagon both in this instance and in other unethical goings on. It seems that nobody wants to wait for the investigations to start much less finish.
If Tan D. Nguyen, it is found out, knew of the forged letterheads then I think he should be given the boot. One thing I have NOT seen in all the news accounts is a translation of the entire letter. I'm told supposedly what it says but...
Update: Finally found a spot where the actual letter was posted: - Click here for PDF file - Thanks to The Liberal OC dot com and hat tip to LAist dot com...
Now I need an interpreter...
Ed Dickson of Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds notes in the comments that the State Department of Justice raided Tan Nguyen's home... - I wonder again if the death threats against Barbara Coe are being taken seriously???
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Iraq Divided into Two States - - On Paper & In Bent Minds Only!
Over at Talisman Gate is a posting entitled, Al-Qaeda Declares Government, Islamic State in Iraq"
Some Quotes:
The "Official Spokesman" of the "Ministry of Information" of the "Islamic State of Iraq" has kindly informed the world, through a new Shura Council of the Mujaheddin video released on the internet today, that Iraq is now divided into two.
The "Official Spokesman" declared that the territory that the jihadists currently control in Iraq is roughly equal to the territory of the state of Medina founded by the Prophet Muhammad during the early days of the Islamic call, and that it finds itself under similar internal as well as external threats.
The new head of state is someone called "Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi" - a name previously unheard of.
Kofi Anan immediately extended diplomatic accreditation to the Islamic State of Iraq.
Nibras Kazimi The brains behind Talisman Gate did immediately let on that the last line was a joke. Not a "Farfetched" one though.
Then we have Mohammed, blogger of "Iraq the Model", posting with the title, " Me in the new Islamic State!"
Both Nibras and Mohammed agree that the entire "Declaration" is nothing more than last gasps of al-Qaeda.
Mohammed said, "To me it looks like the position of al-Qaeda has gotten so bad after the heavy blows it received at the hands of our liberators in the MNF and our brave brothers in our army and the patriots who rejected al-Qaeda and its agenda."
"But we are still here, at least the majority of us are,
Our liberators and allies are still here,
The voters are still here and the elected are still here."
prying1 sez: Now is not the time to back out of Iraq! Vote for Republicans and not "Cut and Run Democrats" who would only allow groups like al-Qaeda to gain strength.
Hat Tip to AubreyJ
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Posted by
7:52 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Who Has the Book of Life In Their Hands?
I recently had some email communications from a man in the U.K. We went back and forth for quite a few times before he blocked my emails to him. I could go through a different email account to get in the 'last shot' but it would not settle in my stomach very well. I've decided to let God handle him. But I also decided to post on the exchange. (Italics are from his answers to my emails)
It started out with this character following me to this website, my Blogspot home, from a comment I left on Scotwise. (A Christian pastor whom God led from Scotland to Australia - Wonderful, edifying and most often quite humorous postings on his blog. I recomend visiting him. - Since I've been reading Scotwise I've come to love John Telfer Brown like a brother. And rightly so since he is a true brother in the Lord.) -
He (the commenting character not Mr. Brown!) posted a comment that was not at all related to my posting and was really out of place.
I answered his comment and emailed him to let him know I had responded. From there the exchange took place off blog through emails.
Let me say at this point that I've no doubt that this gentleman is a Full Blood Christian and is subject to all the rights, privileges and ultimate destinations as a result of his (as is every Christian's separate) relationship with the Living God and God's Only Son Jesus Christ. That we will meet after this life is inevitable and I can't wait to see his expression at that point outside of space and time as we now know it. He doesn't seem to want my kind to be admitted...
It seemed right from the start of these communications that the saying, "Words mean things" had no real impact on this person's thinking. The fact that certain words might have more than one meaning never entered into his conversations. Right from the start the word "disciples" (and it's various forms) had only one meaning (the ones he chose) and no bending was allowed. As a result Mr. Brown and I were outside of God's chosen family and until we repented (another word with a single meaning) we were doomed to become God's footstool. (Hell, as taught by most denominations, is not the destination of those outside of the list he seemed to hold. The lost - as are Mr. Brown and I - are to be made "God's Footstool".)
Personally I wouldn't mind being that close to God on a continual basis. Footstool seems as good a job as any especially since I can't play a harp and am not musically inclined. I might make a good gatekeeper if St. Peter wants to take a break on occasion. - But I digress...
My personal idea of Hell (not the one in Michigan) is a place that is not so much hot and filled with demons with pitchforks but an area outside of space and time that is devoid of God and anything good that goes with Him. That includes His feet. Total disatisfaction with anything would be the ruling force. The seven deadly sins of pride,lust, anger, covetousness, gluttony, envy, and sloth would be ever growing and never satisfied, forever and ever, Amen. - Conversations with neighbors would always end up in arguements.
But I digress (again... - or is it still???).
In our email communications I read lines such as this: "If you believe what Mr Brown believes, you don't have a relationship with The Living God..."
"You don't have a living relationship with Jesus Christ, nor do most of mainstream 'Christianity' because they are all too busy 'earning' their salvation by works or sanctification by progress."
What the entire back and forth of messages had become by the time they were finished was an appeal on his part that I define all key words used in Christianity exactly as he desired and leave the dictionary or any thought I had on the definitions out of it. Otherwise God would not accept me. I would be outside the fold.
This is a form of legalism that went far beyond the Catholicism I was raised in prior to my born again experience. I say that because I know Catholics that love God and are born again. - That the word "Disciple" could mean more that one thing seemed to be beyond his reasoning. The term "Child of God" must never be used even as a term of endearment. 'Son' or 'daughter' is OK I guess but not 'child'. - Quote - "A son or daughter of God matures by growing in Grace and Faith. A child will always be a child - immature - no growth and no inheritance."... (convoluted thinking with a scriptural basis followed) - end quote -
"You don't have a living relationship with Jesus Christ, nor do most of mainstream 'Christianity' because they are all too busy 'earning' their salvation by works or sanctification by progress."
- Neither the words "Salvation" or "Sanctification" can have a twofold meaning of a onetime experience and an ongoing process. If you believe in a twofold definition, your born again experience is for naught... In spite of Deuteronomy 31:6/Hebrews 13:5...
prying1 sez: In February of 1971 I asked Jesus to come into my heart. That is what I said! "Jesus, Come into my heart!" I did not know any bonified, accredited, Ok'd by the Pope or Jesse Jackson prayer. It was what I knew I needed and it was all I said. Hell's bells. I didn't know to even ask for forgiveness or express a desire to repent. - I did repeat "Jesus, Come into my heart!" a few times but then,
"He Touched Me"!
Just like the song sez. I was never taught that song in my Catholic upbringing but I learned from experience what it meant before I even heard it.
- No one will ever take that experience from me and I, myself, would have to work real hard at lying to myself to think it was a hallucination, any kind of emotional workup, nonsense or a work of Satan. - HE TOUCHED ME!!!
Since that date I have met Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Armsrongians, Catholics, Baptists, First Church of Godians, First United Pentacostians, (Never met any "Last Church" peoples - those are the ones I'm really wondering about...) and assorted others that tell me my relationship with God doesn't count because I don't belong to their group or follow their catechism.
This joker was telling me (as have some others) "I have no organisation and no following, nor do I need the former, nor do I want the latter. All I am doing is giving a warning that belief in a non-gospel will lead to nowhere other than you and Mr Brown hearing these words: Matt 7:22-23 "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
I cannot speak for Mr. John Telfer Brown (once again, of Scotwise fame) because His relationship is with God before it is with me. I am not so presumptuous as to think I hold John's relationship with God to any single scripture that even ungodly people can quote. If I did it would be the "Well done my good and faithful servant" one. (Smiley face here)
Here is a tip to those who quote that "depart from me" scripture to me. On that day I will not be saying, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?..."
I got it all planned. I'm gonna be pretending I don't see Jesus coming up on me and I'll sorta have my back turned to him a bit. Then at just the right time I'm gonna sniff the air a bit and say with a cowboy drawl, "I smell sheep!"
I know He will laugh even though He has heard it before. Heck. I know for a fact that Jesus reads my blog!
And still He will laugh!
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Election Day Commercials
prying1 sez:
I was watching TV last night and caught a commercial for one of the state propositions coming up on the California ballot. It was meaningless except to drum in the VOTE NO, VOTE NO, VOTE NO...
The groups joined together and announced as having paid for the commercial are recent coalitions of fine upstanding citizens that nobody knows anything about. Are they pro-union? Anti-union? Pro-abortion? Anti-abortion? In favor of higher taxes? against higher taxes? Pro big government? Against big government?
- Is what they were saying true or designed to deceive??? -
NOWHERE in the commercial did it say what the proposition was actually for.
Do your state a favor and spend an hour or so checking out the actual ballot information you receive. Go online and find the info first hand at your state's own website. Find the info through search engines - OR - Some of the political bloggers you trust. Email them with any questions and I bet most would be happy to give their opinion or links to sites they know about. They certainly do it on their blogs everyday.
If you can't make the time to check out who or what it is exactly you are voting for do the rest of the counttry a favor and stay home on election day. Let those who get informed do the voting for you and just hope the majority are not the Michael Moore Moonbats...
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Posted by
8:01 AM
Labels: California Politics, Elections