Thursday, September 07, 2006

Iraq AND Vietnam Are Similar! - IF -

I saw an interesting cartoon in the Press Telegram today. It
is a cartoon by
Mike Smith of the Las Vegas Sun dated Sept
1, 2006... - I've linked to it below but cannot guarantee how long it will stay up on the website. Or how long they will let me link to it...
- I did save it to my hard drive for historical purposes... -

It shows a sign saying, Today's speaker: Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld is behind a podium saying,


- A member of the audience is saying to another member,



I wish someone would send the CUT AND RUN CROWD the history of what happened after the last helicopter left the U.S. embassy in Vietnam! - Many Vietnamese prefered taking a chance on drowning in leaky boats trying to escape the carnage. - Many did drown! - Cambodia had it's killing fields as a result of our leaving. - I met a Cambodian woman who told of watching her mother and sister raped and murdered as a result of the
Khmer Rouge

- The Cambodian carnage was a direct result of our leaving Vietnam... -

Of course Vietnam is now our friend and
we purchase all sorts of lovely items from them. But at the time they were taken over by a wicked, evil, mean and nasty group of communists that murdered anyone they wanted to. Except their own of course because they knew the

'One True Way to Enlightenment' (without God of course!)

Which is all (living) people get to share whatever they own! - Whether they like it or not!

- (Dead people freely relinquish their stuff to the state) -

Anyway. I would like to remind those people that try to compare Iraq to Vietnam that it does not NOW work as a comparison. If we pull out now (no matter what you say about the reasons for our going in!) it will result in a mass murder of EVERY GOOD PERSON IN THE COUNTRY!!!!!!!

- Terrorism will find the space near empty and jump into it. - Only if we pull out will the comparison of Iraq and Vietnam be true! -


May their blood be on your hands if you vote for Democrats...


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Elections Are Coming Up!

In a battle for a Congress seat two candidates were shooting charges back and forth, left and right, up and down. At the same time they were making promises that even God would find difficult to fulfill.

"That sure is some duel they are having", said one likely voter to another citizen.

"Duel is right", said the citizen. "Only in this duel they should be using manure shovels at twenty paces."

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

prying1 has Switched To Beta Blogger

Well, I took the plunge and switched to Beta Blogger. - I'm
not sure how much I will like/dislike the experience. So far, so good.
But all I've done is post one time and this posting will make the second. I do like the new method of spell check. Works for me anyway... I have seen a glitch in the insert link button. That will get fixed soon I'm sure.

One major problem I quickly found is in commenting. Those Google blogspot bloggers that have not upgraded to beta, do not use Haloscan and have their comments
non-anonymous, that is, they are set up to say, "This blog does not allow anonymous comments" will not allow me comment. Those that do allow anonymous comments I can chose 'other' and fill in my info. That is put my blogging name (prying1) and my website address (which has not changed one jot nor tittle) into the spaces provided.

In doing a little research I found there are some workarounds. One is to create a new blogger account and sign up in that one when commenting. - Another will be to email the person with the comment and ask them to post it if they will.

Sometimes, hopefully not often, one will come across a blogger friend that does not allow anonymous comments, does not have an email posted and for the life of you, you cannot remember if you have ever communicated through emails to search for his address.

When that happens a good workaround would be to post a message to him on your blog and ask your blogger friends that can comment to visit him (hint! hint!) and ask him to email you or visit the post.


target="_blank">Concerning your post on the Bush assassination
I wanted to comment with this:

Reading the thoughts of some of these lefties makes me wonder if they even really
think. I imagine that the majority were not around when JFK was shot and killed.

I was in 6th grade at the time and was being raised as a good Republican. I knew that JFK was a Democrat and needed to be replaced in the next election. I did not like him even though he was a Catholic (as was I at the time).

When he was shot and killed it was not a time of rejoicing for the Republicans.

Shock! Grief! Anger at the murderer! In my small circle of school and neighborhood friends I knew of no one that was thrilled.

Nor did anyone make jokes about it.

Had I known anyone that was glad of the assassination I would certainly
have known they were evil in heart and avoided being around them.

These people just might be total reprobates. I hope not and may God, in His
Mercy, reveal to them a better road than the one they are on.

For those of you who have switched to Beta.Blogger.Beta - Join the Blogger Help Group - It will come in handy...

Update - Senor Peer Pressure has been contacted - Whoo Hooo!


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Losers In Mexico Show Bad Manners

From the article with the title, Mexico's president-elect appeals for

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- Defeated leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
rejected a court decision awarding Mexico's presidency to Felipe
Calderon, insisting he will never recognize his rival's legitimacy and
vowing to create a parallel government from the streets.
Lopez Obrador's
supporters threw trash at the headquarters of Mexico's Federal
Electoral Tribunal, whose seven magistrates voted unanimously Tuesday
to declare Calderon president-elect.

prying1 sez:

What a TWIT!

And his followers are nincompoops too!

Selfcenteredness is not becoming for someone who wishes to rule a country...

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Who Is Guilty In the Valerie Plame Affair?

Washington Times - Rowan Scarborough - Headline: The flameout of the Plame game -

If you do not know anything about the Valerie Plame affair I suggest you go read the article for the full and 'end of story' obituary. DO NOT BOTHER BUYING ANY BOOKS ON THIS!!!!
From the article

The expectation on the left that the Valerie Plame affair would blossom into another Watergate, bringing down a second Republican presidency, has fizzled.
Liberals expected that convictions of one or more persons in the Bush administration for leaking or confirming to columnist Robert Novak that Mrs. Plame, the wife of Bush critic Joseph C. Wilson IV, was an undercover CIA operative. Echoing Mr. Wilson's claims, prominent liberals and leftists, most of them in the press, accused the White House of orchestrating a smear, and sought to drive Karl Rove either out of office or into prison, or both.
Three years on, none of that has happened, and the "scandal" is played out.
But in the end, the exhaustive investigation produced no criminal charges against any official for leaking Mrs. Plame's name in violation of the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act. Moreover, it has recently emerged that the official who first revealed her name to Mr. Novak, for a July 2003 column, was not a White House official, but Richard Armitage, who was deputy secretary of state to Colin L. Powell.
Mr. Armitage, now in private business, had never publicly acknowledged his role in the previous three years.
Internet bloggers wrote hopefully of many indictments. One blogger even reported that Mr. Rove had been indicted, which he had not.
Tom Matzzie, Washington director of the leftist wrote in July 2005, "This conspiracy clearly reaches into the highest levels of our government. This could be among the worst presidential scandals in our history. ... Again, we call on the president to keep his promise and fire Karl Rove. How long will the cover-up continue?"
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean likened the scandal to Watergate, which brought down President Richard Nixon.
Stacie Paxton, a spokesman for the committee, argues now that the Armitage disclosure does not vindicate the White House of misconduct.
An early newspaper story asserted that two White House officials actively contacted six Washington reporters to reveal Mrs. Plame's identify and that she worked at the CIA. This was accepted as fact by liberal bloggers.
The Senate investigators reported that Mr. Wilson did, in fact, find evidence that an Iraqi overture to buy yellowcake may have occurred. To Republicans, this meant Mr. Wilson's op-ed in the New York Times -- the essay that triggered the whole affair -- was inaccurate, just as Mr. Libby contended to Mrs. Miller that it was.
The Wilsons are now represented by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
Melanie Sloan, executive director and a former Democratic Senate and House staffer, said in an e-mail to The Washington Times it's wrong to infer that Mr. Wilson was sent to Niger on the suggestion of his wife. The Senate report "clearly indicates that the CIA decided to send Wilson to Niger." (HUH!!!)
Ms. Sloan said the Armitage disclosure does not affect the Wilson lawsuit, "which is premised on the deliberate and unlawful actions of top White House officials to publicly discredit Mr. Wilson and retaliate against him by deliberately disclosing the classified identity of Ms. Wilson. Mr. Armitage's conduct in no way alters the fact that VP Cheney, Mr. Libby and Mr. Rove were engaged in a concerted effort to violate the rights of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and they should be held accountable for their actions."

prying1 sez:
It seems that there were lots and lots of people that are/were guilty in the Valerie Plame Affair. Their credibility is shot. With many they never had any in spite of appearances at the time...

Richard Armitage, ex-deputy secretary of state to Colin L. Powell and now in private business, could have stepped forward a bit sooner. Remember that when you see his name in print. Especially if it is on a contract and your money is on the line.

Bottom line is Bush Hatred started this nonsense and that plus love of money will try to keep it going. - Fact is, "The Valerie Plame Affair is Dead!" May it soon be buried.

Hattip to Hugh Hewitt for leading me to the article - Thanks Hugh! -

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