Scenario - Husband at computer reseaching on a book he has at hand. Wife comes in followed by The Cat Who Loves Her and they both sit at her computer on the other side of the wall of books. Cat, as usual demands her attention. We talk a bit as she opens up her email program....
Wifeypoo: "Something's wrong."
Me: "What?"
Wifeypoo: "Everything on my screen keeps flashing."
Me: Huh? - (Looks over at flashing email on screen) - "Try moving the sidebar up and...
The cat is sitting on your keyboard."
Wiferypoo: "Oh." - (Moves cat, waits a bit as commands the cat instigated settle down) "No wonder..."
prying1 sez: Sometimes they want commiseration. Other times they need an answer. Lord let me know how to tell the difference.
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