Came across a jewel of a book today. It combines two of my least favorite things. Poetry and Sports.
Well maybe 'least favorite' is overstated. Cleaning up after my dog is way above each of those.
Really, poetry is OK if it rhymes and says something. If I have to think about what it says it has lost me as a customer. But some people like that 'New Verse' so to each his own... I loved Hiawatha for example. Read the whole thing twice in my life. Might read it again someday. - And sports like baseball, basketball and football is great to watch if I'm tied in a chair with toothpicks holding my eyes open. I do like to watch gymnastics and snow skiing so I'm not against all sports...
Anyway. The pick of the week for my poetry posting is a neat little book called "The Little Book of Sports". Poetry compiled and edited by Wallace and Frances Rice. published by The Reilly & Britton Co, in 1910 and as stated in the title of this posting part of "The Little Book Series" whose other titles I've listed at the bottom of this post.
Thirty-two different sports listed in the Index of Sports and forty names listed in the Index of Authors. Seventy-seven poems total.
Some of the sports are Baseball (Casey at the Bat of course with 5 others.), Football (5), Hammer Throwing (1), Fishing (3), and Golf (8). Some are funny, some serious. - Of course I like the funny ones.
Here is a quick one on Cycling by John Joy Bell that shows that at the turn of the last century there was a different set of traffic problems...
I'd rather be a cyclist
Than any other beast,
For though he slays he never stays
upon the slain to feast.
It's pleasant to remember,
While lying on the stones,
How though you're dead, you needn't dread
That he will pick your bones.
He comes! You fall! He's gone! That's all!
He Doesn't mind the least.
Oh I'd rather be a cyclist
Than any other beast.
~ ~ ~ John Joy Bell ~ ~ ~
Other titles listed on the back page of this book:
Little Book of Love
Little Book of Kisses
Little Book of Friendship
Little Book of Brides
Little Book of Sports
Little Book of Out of Doors
Little Book of Cheer
Little Book of Lullabies
Little Book of Laughter
Little Book of Schooldays
Little Book of Bohemia
all edited and compiled by Wallace and Frances Rice.
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