There are a few laws I'd like to see passed. This list is in no way complete but some of the main ones are:
Re: taxes - Any politician proposes a tax hike he must first put half of his material possessions and half his paycheck into an escrow account. After his tax hike is proposed it is sent to the people affected by the hike for a vote. If the people vote 'yes' the politician gets his money back. If the people vote 'no' he loses and his money is distributed to all those who show a receipt showing they voted no.
Any politician caught trying to raise taxes without going through the escrow/voting process will be tarred, feathered & run out of town on a rail.
Re: gun control - Anyone who uses a gun in the commission of a crime will have these mandatory sentences on top of any other sentencing concerning any other charges.
1.) Brandishing or showing the gun during the commission of a crime. - 10 years min. with no time off for good behavior.
2.) Pulling the trigger during the commission of a crime. - 20 years min. with no time off for good behavior.
3.) Injuring someone with a gun during the commission of a crime. - 35 years min. with no time off for good behavior.
4.) Murdering someone during the commission of a crime. - Death penalty with rules below applying.
Re: Death penalty cases - Guilty party will have sentence fulfilled within 2-1/2 years +1 day of actual sentencing date. There will be only 3 appeals allowed.
1.) First appeal is mandatory
2.) Second and Third appeals are at the discretion of the sentenced individual. All evidence at this point must relate directly to the actual case and cannot be concerned with side issues such as bad upbringing, abusive parents, too many twinkies or the public school system failing to instill sound moral judgment.
re: taxes - Every seventh year of a persons life shall be TAX FREE. That is, for a full year measuring 365 (plus one day for leap years) This includes ALL taxes. Federal, state & local (water, trash disposal, utilities, sales, payroll, stocks and bonds interest, etc... Any taxes absconded with by the government during this period will be refunded from the congressional payroll office and congress's payroll will decrease in commensurate amounts.
I could come up with a bunch more but I thought some of you blog surfing folks might help me by coming up with a few of your own. Feel free to utilize the comment button and add your ideas.