Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Does Talk Radio Have 'Objective' Hosts?

I received an email from Media Matters dot Org today with the lead line: Not fair, not balanced: Sean Hannity shows his true colors

The email stated:

Last week on his nationally syndicated radio show, Fox News host Sean Hannity encouraged Democratic voters to "stay home on Election Day," adding that, "your vote doesn't matter anyway." He asserted that Democrats should not turn out to vote "for the sake of the nation" because Democrats' votes "won't change who occupies the White House" and Democratic "candidates have absolutely no idea how to win the war on terrorism."

On the same program, Hannity misrepresented the Democratic Party platform, stating: "I don't think abandoning our troops on the battlefield, or closing your eyes to enemy communications or listening to enemy communications in our country, or killing the economy, or supporting illegal immigration, I don't think that's something to run on."

Comments like this demonstrate how Hannity and other right-wing media figures hope to impact the upcoming election -- regardless of their spin about being objective.

prying1 sez: I don't remember any right wing talk show host saying they are objective. All of them claim to be Republicans or Libertarians. They present news and stories with right wing commentary and are up front about their views on it.

Often times I hear on their shows both sides of a news story (ridiculing one side) and then the breaktime news report comes on and gives only one side (the side that was ridiculed).

As far as Hannities statements re: abandoning our troops on the battlefield, or closing your eyes to enemy communications or listening to enemy communications in our country, or killing the economy, or supporting illegal immigration - That and "HATE BUSH" is all the Democrats have been presenting as a party platform.

Well! That and "raising taxes"...

- Quick Update - While proofreading this after posting it I see I missed Sean's words "Killing the economy". He did cover the "raising taxes"... - Good for him!


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