Tuesday, October 31, 2006

New Computer Interface - Sci-Fi Has Come To Life!

An Amazing Demonstration by Jeff Han of a new interface for computers that will astonish you and have you saying, "I want one!" 2 minutes into the demonstration. The apps for this will be limited only by one's imagination.

A screen that is totally touch sensitive. One part of the presentation Jeff has a couple dozen photos on the screen. With a touch and drag they can be put in any order wanted. Expand and rotate the photos with two fingers on the edges. Another part of the presentation shows a NASA map and it is able to be manipulated in ways that Captain James T. Kirk would be jealous of.

Check it out and come back to tell me how much you will put in my fund to purchase one.

P.S. I'll let you play with it if you donate.

You will need a high speed connection. If you don't have one run to your neighbors house who does. Or check out the DSL Extreme deal on my sidebar!

Jeff Han on WWW.TED.com


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