Thursday, January 26, 2006

Google Can Work the Results!

From Radio Free Asia

An initial search for "Falun Dafa" on Google's U.S. based Chinese language search tool,, the Chinese for the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, yielded Falun Gong sites from around the world, where information provided by the movement about its philosophy and practices was freely available.

The same search conducted on the new China search engine, at, showed a series of government-sponsored sites criticizing the group as a dangerous and evil cult.

prying1 sez:
So this shows that Google can and does control what shows up in the number one spot on searches.

Then why is it that when anyone typing 'Baby Jesus' in the website comes up with the BABY JESUS BUTT PLUG in the number one spot! the same happens in the U.S. version of Google. If they care soo much as they say they do then I think they ought to fix this ASAP!

It will be a quicker fix if I write to the Chinese government as opposed to Google's complaint department.

So lets see what happens. Add your voice!

- - type in - baby jesus - near bottom right is a long line of question marks. Looks like 13 of 'em - ????'s - Click and type in - # 1 ??? Sex toy! -

If they can and do fix it for China they sure as hell better fix it for English speaking countries.


This subject was the topic of a previous post - Click here for my previous Google and Baby Jesus post