Monday, June 26, 2006

Okie on the Lam and the Los Angeles Times

Once again I'm taking the easy way out and sending my readers toodling off to another site. Okie on the Lam has an excellent post entitled Deaths in Iraq, Financial Data Tracking, Global Warming and Killing Your Friend - Gotta Love the LA Times! -

The L.A. Times has gotten even worse over the years. Right thinking people know that it will poison parrots, cockatiel & parakeets with liberalism so it is no longer useful even as a bird cage liner. Wrapping fish in it will flavor of the fish with a nasty taste.

Some quotes from Okie's post:

Iraqi Death Toll: Nothing like throwing out misleading, irrelevant numbers to make a point. 50,000 deaths since the invasion of Iraq is nothing to make light of, but how many people were being killed by Saddam and his army, sons and henchmen before he was driven out of power?

prying1 here. I had to wonder when I saw the headline yesterday how many of those 50,000 dead were murderous thugs. The world is a better place with Saddam gone and these terrorists being put away...


Global Warming: In the global warming scare story the subhead was: "The massive glaciers are deteriorating twice as fast as they were five years ago. If the ice thaws entirely, sea level would rise 21 feet."

Yeah? Wonder what the real chance of that happening would be? They don't answer that question. Indeed, scientists can measure what appears to be a current phenomena, but without going back literally millions of years, they can't put this information into any meaningful perspective. And, what I keep reading and hearing from the global warming fanatics is that global warming will most likely bring on the next "Little Ice Age". But hey, it does make great copy, and we all love a good scare now and then. Remember in the 70's when the scientists were all predicting the coming of the next Ice Age? So, what's it gonna be guys, global warming or global cooling? Warming or cooling, warming or cooling - kinda cyclic, don't ya think?


Assisted Suicide: (LAT Quote) Mel was sort of surprised that as a Christian I so staunchly agreed with him about assisted suicide: I believed that life was a kind of Earth school, so even though assisted suicide meant you were getting out early, before the term ended, you were going to be leaving anyway, so who said it wasn't OK to take an incomplete in the course? (end LAT quote)

OK, I've found myself in deep yogurt before in questioning someone's Christianity, but come on, "who said it wasn't OK"? Uh - "Thou shall not [commit murder] kill." That sounds reasonably familiar. God sanctions the killing of murderers and killing on the battlefield for a just cause, but I don't think I have ever come across the part where he tells us to kill those that we love, for any reason.


Only one thing I disagree with in this post is the line in Okie's title. - "Gotta Love the LA Times!" -

Go and check out all Okie has to say and agree or disagree leave him a comment.

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