Lately I've gotten two spams returned to me as 'undeliverable'. They are abusing my email address. The headers show the original spammers 'from' location as being persons names not associated with prying1. My apologies if you have received spam this way.
"Julia Chase" and "Joseph Francis" are two names used. I suspect there will be more. "Buy quality and safe medications here." and "Same quality of meds for lower prices." are two of the subject lines. Both had links to pages that have been suspended. Kudos to Live Journal for staying on top of their website.
Forged headers are nothing new and years ago I've gotten nasty emails from people that said I gave them a virus. Clicking on links and attachments in emails from people you do not know is not the way to do it.
Even if an email does come addressed from someone you know if it seems fishy it is a simple matter to call or email your friend and ask them if they sent it. So a day passes before you get to see whatever it is they sent. More than once I've done this and found that a spammer was abusing a friends email address.
Be careful out there. The Internet can be a mean and nasty place.
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Spam -
Fraud -
Virus -
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Spam using my email address
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Let's Say Thanks In Support of Our Troops
Here is a website that all Americans should visit, utilize and support. Xerox and other companies print postcards and include them in packages being sent to the troops. - I could wax eloquent about it but I think it just best for you to go to the site, Let's Say Thanks In Support of Our Troops and let our troops know you too support what they do.
PLEASE! Keep your message to a soldier spiritually uplifting and not political.
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Christmas -
Military -
Support Our Troops -
Posted by
6:53 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
2009 Messiah Concert in Temecula / Murrieta
For your consideration
In Murrieta California
- Sunday - December Sixth - 2009, at 4:00PM (Sharp)-
Get there early for a good seat. (See below)***
Handel's Messiah
with 60-70 Voice Chorus
Symphonic Orchestra and Inspiring Vocal Soloists!
Hosted by
Temecula United Methodist Church
42690 Margarita Rd.
Temecula, CA 92592
A freewill offering will be taken.
My wife and I will be in the chorus. She sings soprano and I sing bass so we stand on opposite ends of the platform. Makes for less arguments.
***Get there EARLY if you can make it. Otherwise you might be shunted to a room with a big screen TV and speakers. Not quite the same as being in the Auditorium Proper.
This is an annual program so consider it for next year if you cannot make it this time. Please consider donating when the bucket passes to help catch any left over expenses and to get a head start on next years program. Thanks!
Each year dozens of people that love to sing spend time practicing in small groups, join together for one group practice and then put on a concert that is enjoyable, uplifting, delightful and a whole slew of positive adjectives.
This has happened in Temecula/Murrieta California for untold years now and is a free event.
Handel's Messiah is one classical music piece that is enjoyed by people of all faiths although Christians versed in scriptures of both Testaments seem to be the majority of audiences. Perhaps because it is most often played in churches.
The entire oratorio now named, Handel's Messiah was written in just 24 days. This is most impressive if one looks at it in it's entirety. The singers, bass, tenor, alto, Soprano (Sopranos deserve a capital letter!) are often individually singing different pieces of music from the rest of the group. The instruments have their own sheets of music that would only confuse most of the singers if the pages were mixed up.
Altogether, if the notes were placed on their sides and laid end to end it would only stretch halfway to heaven. - However! Standing up straight and in the jiggly lines Handel wrote them in they reach all the way!!!
A remarkable feat is what I say.
For many it is the start of the Christmas Season. For me Christmas Season really seems to start when the practices start. The Performance kicks it into gear and fires up the Holiday/Holyday Season.
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Handel's Messiah -
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Christianity -
Posted by
6:19 PM
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Let the Government do this:
I found this quote to be quite timely with the direction the current administration is going:
Our rulers will best promote the improvement of the nation by strictly confining themselves to their own legitimate duties, by leaving capital to find its most lucrative course, commodities their fair price, industry and intelligence their natural reward, idleness and folly their natural punishment, by maintaining peace, by defending property, by diminishing the price of law, and by observing strict economy in every department of the state.
Let the Government do this: the People will assuredly do the rest.
Thomas Babington Macaulay (Edinburgh Review, Jan 1980)
Couldn't have said it better myself. Although this was written for the English government in the late 1800's the words can be applied across the globe. For the rice farmer in China to the shop keeper in Iran, the teacher in Brazil to the car manufacturer in the U.S. these words should be sent to all government leaders worldwide. Less intrusive government is better for all mankind.
More Thomas Babington Macaulay Quotes can be found here.
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Thomas Babington Macaulay -
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Government -
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Freedom -
Posted by
7:04 AM
Labels: Freedom, Government, Politics
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Left Coast Righteo and the Starrettwire
I should have posted this sooner but. Here it is...
For a few weeks now my friend, Doc Mike (Michael Harris) and I (Paul Young) have been doing an online radio show on Blog Talk Radio (BTR). We named the show "Left Coast Righteo". It was designed to allow people to the west of Illinois a place to go after Cyber Pastor and AnnieB finished their Christian, Pro-Troops, Right of Center "Do the Right Thing" radio show also on BTR.
Their show ends early (midnight or later their time) on the left coast and late on the right coast yet there were friends and an online community still clamoring for more online radio with Blog Talk Radio.
As a result Doc Mike and I decided, to fill the void, to do a show together from the Pacific coast on Tuesdays (9:30 PM Pacific) and Thursdays (8:30 PM Pacific). We simply chat and take calls from listeners. Often times we amaze each other with our knowledge and wit. Religion, Politics, Humor, and Animal Husbandry are frequent topics. As is food. We do talk about food quite often too. Doc is Host and I am the sidekick. That is unless I am doing the hosting and Doc Mike is sidekicking. To be honest I prefer kicking his side over his kicking mine...
Why will Thursday, July, 23 209 be special?
This Thursday night (23July09) we are having a special guest and I decided to post this on my blog and to email the link to friends. That is in hopes of you getting this in time (prior to 8:30-10:00 PM Pacific), Click this link and get prepared for when the show is on to join in the fun. When you get to BTR you can register (make up a screen name or use one you already have and join for freeee!), log in and join the chat room. If you click the link too late for the show then you can download the archive and listen in after the fact. Either way I hope you enjoy the show.
Grant Starrett of the Starrettwire will be on the air with Doc Mike and Prying1!
Now you ask, "Who is Grant Starrett and why should I care?" For those who do not get the "Starrettwire" chances are you don't know him. For those who do get the Starrettwire You still don't know him. This is your chance to get educated. I think Grant Starrett is a name you will see in the news in future years.
The Starrettwire is a "Newslinkletter" which comes out of the friendly fingers and mousework of the aforementioned Grant Starrett. As he peruses the daily news he adds articles and cartoons of interest to the Starrettwire which he emails FOR FREE to those on his list. He sends out 3 to 5 Newslinkletters a week. Never any spamming and your name is not added to nefarious lists because he alone controls the whole shebang.
Real simple to get on the list too. Simply email Grant at and say, "Put me on the list!" If you don't like it simply email back and ask to be removed.
Here is a bit of a bio:
Student/Graduate of Stanford University, Founding member/President of "Stanford Conservative Society". (proving that students can attend a major university and still come out without need of a foil hat.)
(Ex-)Staff writer for The Stanford Review
National Chairman of "Students for Mitt (Romney)" (Do we see a trend here?)
He has worked for: FoxNews; White House; Mitt Romney for President, Inc.; Republican National Committee; U.S. House of Representatives; Eurobuilders.
Currently Accepted/New Student at Vanderbilt Law School - Nashville, TN
And in the mix of all this the great disseminator of interesting Newslinks and Opinion Cartoons through The Starrettwire.
By the way. Doc Mike also has a BTR show on Saturday mornings called Homestead in which he talks of self sufficiency, homesteading and the homestead lifestyle. Food production and preservations, politics, energy, repairs, how to's and so much more. Ask him about the beast that shall not be named.
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Posted by
7:18 PM
Labels: News, Online Radio, Politics
Monday, July 06, 2009
How Low Can "ART" Go?
Ok! here is the deal. I'm not an artist but I know what art I like. Artists need people like me to appreciate what they do or they starve. Come to think of it if they had to live on what monies I devote from my pocket to art they ALL would starve. I might trade and barter though. Then through eBay they might make a a few bucks...
Anyway! Art I like has to usually make sense. I do like some of the stuff that is like inkblots and you have to guess what it is. I also like the find it pictures like "Where's Waldo". And mazes. But I learned early in life if you start in the center and work out it is easier.
But I digress. ... Rereading I find this whole post is, so far, digression...
In London at Trafalgar Square there are four "Plinths" or large bases for statues. One of them, the Forth Plinth has been vacant since it's construction initially due to insufficient funds but left empty due to political arguments over what to put there.
Use for the empty plinth has temporarily been settled with a deal called "One & Other", "A grand project that is meant to stretch the boundaries of sculpture by placing 2,400 people on the square’s usually vacant fourth plinth, for an hour apiece (only one at a time), from now through Oct. 6."
"This is not about privilege, not about power, not about war or honoring the dead," said the artist, Antony Gormley. "It’s about celebrating the living." Britons (only) are lifted to the empty plinth by a 'cherry picker' and you can watch. The website has a disclaimer that there might be offensive content and Gormley stated in an interview, "Nakedness is absolutely essential," ... "Nakedness is to art what the ball is to football."
London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, had a different take: “It’s a triumphant meditation on the themes of fame and glory,” he declared. “My friends, someday your plinth will come.”
The idea seems simple, but has been fairly complicated to pull off. More than 17,000 people have applied for the slots, mostly through the Internet, with winners — who have to be over 16 and living in Britain — selected by a computer algorithm that accounts for geographical diversity. The slots for September and October have yet (at the time of this posting) to be filled.
Well I only have seen two people so far and I'm still waiting for the art...
In the first 24 minutes I saw one lady holding her hands in supplication to the sky, bringing them down to a prayerful attitude, then bending to place her hands on the ground, then back up to the sky. Some kind of art or perhaps just a statement that I could not understand. She should have set up a sign to proclaim what the heck she was doing. Praying to the Living God or worshiping the sky and earth... The next gal I saw was tearing Kleenex (Reg TM for facial tissue) into little tiny pieces and allowing the wind to litter the city with it. An hour of littering London with bits of paper is art? ... Well I am glad I'm not paying for it. Nor do I have to clean it up. I'll sit entranced wondering if she might have to blow her nose and if she will tear that one into little pieces.
At least it is not a crucifix in a jar of urine, a picture of Mary made from elephant dung nor a bullwhip up some rectal aperture's anal aperture.
This gal with the Kleenex looks self satisfied like she really accomplished something. They are now coming with the cherry picker and the replacement. Some character wearing what looks like a cow costume.
Now That is ART!
Technorati Tags -
Forth Plinth -
One & Other -
Art -
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Obamacare is a Job Killer
Warner Todd Huston (of sez:
The most insidious part of Obamacare is the backdoor taxes, and defacto control of our healthcare by the nanny state that President Obama’s plan is loaded with. And here is another one that is not getting much play. Employers would be socked with requirements to pay for 72.5 percent of the cost of insurance premiums for their full-time employees under the plan being considered in the House.
Prying1 sez: (posted in Warner's comments)
A business must plan to spend X amount of dollars for their labor. Normally this plan includes at least a bit of profit. Depending on business one year may see a bit more profit, another year a bit of loss. In the middle are expenses of which labor normally takes the biggest chunk.
The way I see this GOVERNMENT is planning on mandating that business put a bigger chunk of CHANGE into the soon to be GOVERNMENT controlled health industry.
Raising the prices of goods can only go so far before buyers go elsewhere or do without. With raising prices the ultimate consumer of those goods and services pays the GOVERNMENT controlled health industry.
These moneys must come from somewhere and even for a very, very low profit margin the only place I can see it coming from is salaries. That is until Government absolutely controls those too through their raising of minimum wages and perhaps someday putting caps on peoples take home checks.
The only difference between Obamacare and Hillarycare is the magnification of the scope and angle of the gun sights on the 'little people'. Some difference huh?
Technorati Tags -
Obamacare -
Health Care -
Scams -
Posted by
7:30 AM
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Government, Healthcare
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Google is Soooo Nice to Racists!
Here is one for you. Google has a chance to stand against an insidious type of racism, NATIONALIST BIGOTRY, but they instead fold. And they fold at the request of those that are the recipients of the bigotry.
From Times Online UK... Google Earth maps out discrimination against burakumin caste in Japan...
A handful of innocent-looking antique maps, one offensive word and tens of thousands of offended "untouchables" have plunged Google into an unspoken class war that has raged in Japan for centuries.
Despite its ambition to be the cartographer of the internet age, the search engine has lumbered into one of the darkest corners of Japan - the bigotry of mainstream Japanese society towards the Burakumin, the "filthy mob", whose ancestors fell outside the caste system of the 17th-century samurai era.
By allowing old maps to be overlaid on satellite images of Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto on its Google Earth service, the search engine shows how the old ghettos relate to the 21st-century streets.
That, critics say, is perfect ammunition to hurt descendants of the people who lived there 400 years ago.
OK! Got that? 400 years ago sections of Tokyo were the living spaces of outcasts. They were the black sheep of the nation concerning whom Wikipedia says, "The burakumin are descendants of outcast communities of the feudal era, which mainly comprised those with occupations considered "tainted" with death or ritual impurity (such as executioners, undertakers or leather workers), and traditionally lived in their own secluded hamlets and ghettos."
I imagine they were the outhouse cleaners too but Wiki does not say that. The Times Online article goes on to say,
Under pressure to diffuse criticism, the search engine has asked the owners of the woodblock print maps to remove the legend that identifies the ghetto with an old term that translates loosely as "scum town".
Google has unwittingly created a visual tool, however, that would have prolonged an ancient discrimination into the internet age, according to the lobbying group established to protect the human rights of three million burakumin.
Members of the sub-class were condemned by the old feudal system to unclean jobs associated with death and dirt. Laws made 150 years ago supposedly ended the caste system but, their descendants say, the prejudice remains.
Google should have told the burakumin folks that they would work with them to end the discrimination not by removing or changing the maps but instead shaming the perps of the prejudice and encouraging the people of the world to abstain from buying products manufactured by companies that acquiesce, allow, or even encourage this twisted mindset.
Many Japanese people are so filled with this jaundice that they bring it home and fill their lives with it.
Companies sometimes hire private detectives to ensure that they are not employing someone of burakumin ancestry. Parents may run a similar check on their prospective son or daughter-in-law, and children may be excluded from good schools. Property prices in burakumin communities are lower than in the areas that surround them and public works projects take longer to be completed in the zones.
Toru Matsuoka, an opposition MP and member of the Buraku Liberation League, said that it amounted to illegal bullying.
Prying1 would like to see Google set up an OUTING service. One that would OUT those idiots that are guilty of continuing a 400 year 'tradition' of ostracizing fellow human beings. A way to present the people guilty of this nationalist racism to the world and show them for what they are. Segregationist rectal apertures.
Shame them and if that does not work hit them in the pocket book. They need to be taught the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
And these narrow minded bigots are not even using the color of skin as a standard to throw their unreasoned hatred at but instead the jobs their great, great, great, great, great grand parents held. Talk about stupid...
One more thing. Japanese government intervention concerning this problem seems to have it's own set of problems with fraud and waste.
Breaking the silence on burakumin By IAN PRIESTLEY
Technorati Tags -
Racism -
Japan -
Burakumin -
Google -
Ethics -
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Does Portions of Our Government Have Our Best Interest at Heart?
Jim Kouri has posted on American Daily Review an article titled, Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities Continue
In his commentary/post Jim Kouri states:
Cyber threats to federal computer systems and cyber-based critical infrastructures are evolving and growing. These threats can be unintentional and intentional, targeted or non-targeted, and can come from a variety of sources, such as foreign nations engaged in espionage and information warfare, criminals, hackers, virus writers, and disgruntled employees and contractors working within a targeted organization.
Moreover, these groups and individuals have a variety of attack techniques at their disposal, and cyber exploitation activity has grown more sophisticated, more targeted, and more serious. As government, private sector, and personal activities continue to move to networked operations, as digital systems add ever more capabilities, as wireless systems become more ubiquitous, and as the design, manufacture, and service of information technology have moved overseas, the threat will continue to grow.
I had to comment and since I type my diatribes slowly I thought to bring my comment here to get more bang for my buck...
I'm a cynic and as a result when I read government names such as "Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative" I instantly ask, "How much graft and corruption is going on there?" So I Googled, Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (no quotes) and the first hit took me to the website for it... Comprehensive National Cyber Security Initiative: Leap-Ahead Security Technologies
(+$5 million) ...
After reading about it from their website I could see that such a wing of our government could, if run by ethical people, have a benefit to the security of our nation and be in line with the Constitution. You know. The part that says government's purpose is to protect U.S. citizens.
Looks to me like the NIST program could do it's job and do it well IF politicians stay out of it's way. According to this Wired story ... What’s Up with the Secret Cybersecurity Plans, Senators Ask DHS Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) asked questions that I think, if answered, might give cyber terrorists and criminals new directions for hacking that they otherwise may have been ignorant of or ignored.
There does need to be oversight but not at the expense of security.
Pryinng1 sez: If the politicians try to micromanage this department all bets are off regarding it's effectiveness.
Technorati Tags -
Computers -
Politics -
Hacking -
Cyberterrorism -
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Is a State Official Driving a Stolen Car?
From Publius Forum we have, "Corruption: State Police Bureaucrat Gets Confiscated Luxury Car Assigned Him"
Warner Todd Huston, of Publius Forum fame, links to a Saint Louis Today story "Illinois bureaucrat driving seized hotrod"
There! Hat tips are in and now on to the story...
(Taken by cut and paste from both links...)
A 2006 Illinois State law allowing state police to seize the personal property of repeat drunk driving offenders resulted in the seizure of a high performance car early this year.
Taken from it’s rightful owner was a 2006 Dodge Charger with a V-8 Hemi engine that speeds from zero to 60 MPH in five seconds and has a topped out speedometer reading of 165. The high-end cruiser had only 26,000 miles on it when the police forcefully took it from its owner.
But instead of using the car to snare lead-footed drivers or selling it to raise money for the state budget, officials assigned it to the director of the State Police Merit Board, according to interviews and a review of records by The Associated Press.
Why isn't the Charger on the road? It's too powerful and conspicuous, State Police spokesman Lt. Scott Compton said.
Compton said there's nothing improper about handing over the sports car to the director of an agency that administers state troopers' hiring, firing and discipline. Merit Board director Ronald Cooley agreed.
"It's not a situation where I'd do anything for them or they for me," Cooley said. "It helped our budget and they had something they couldn't use."
Prying1 sez:
"It's not a situation where I'd do anything for them or they for me," Cooley said. "It helped our budget and they had something they couldn't use."
Analyze that and we see the typical twisted logic necessary for compromising integrity.
They did DO something for you Cooley! They GAVE you a car! (Although "ASSIGNED" does sound official it is still the same thing.) Whose budget did it help? By the word "OUR" did you mean you and your family or the state you are supposed to serve?
I'd like to know also how much taxpayers money was spent on salaries of how many 'public servants' as they farted around figuring out who should be awarded (or is it rewarded?)this vehicle.
Is it politically correct to suggest tar and feathering be brought back into vogue?
(the above was my comment left on Publius Forum comments)
I'd like to know when the public will wake up and realize that the Local, State and Federal Governments are imposing CONFISCATORY FINES on the citizenry to benefit themselves and line their own pockets.
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Fraud -
Politics -
Government -
Posted by
7:31 AM
Labels: Fraud, Government, Politics
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Does Fanbox Equal Spam and Scam? (With update that says "YES!")
Recently (3July09) a visitor came to this posting from Google using the search term "how to stop fanbox charge" (without quotes). If you have a fanbox experience you would like to share with future visitors please feel free to leave a comment. Future visitors might benefit from it. Thanks. - Prying1 -
This was originally posted on the 12th of March 2009, Update with SPAM text dated
13 MAR 09 is at the bottom of this posting!
This update line is to simply say FANBOX lies! (July 13, 09) I received an email from FANBOX saying my wife "found a hilarious YouTube video" "Using the application Youtube Video Seach!: Watch (wife's name here) video, and find more videos. (link to fanbox here)... I know for a fact my wife has not been back to FANBOX since day one! I've had several but this is the first time I thought to add this to my FANBOX SCAM posting...
Original posting follows:
Got an email yesterday. "Check out the Smile ***** sent you." Actually three of them. One person sent it to another who signed up and sent me the second which went to two email addresses. So I checked the site the emails led me to and was too busy to check it further then.
This morning I went "Digging a little deeper."
Now, dear reader, know that I have not signed up for their services so all of the following is second hand info from other websites and commenters at those sites.
Typed Fanbox into Google and came up with their site as the first hit then "Steve Riley on Security : FanBox: the latest in password scams" as the second hit. (Google list is subject to change)
The rest of the hits are pretty much of the same cut of cloth.
Came across a couple of comments on websites from (they say) ex employees that gives a little insight into the Fanbox company. Unethical is one word that describes them. Spamhuntress has a posting that tells us, turns into fanbox What once was a disreputable company has changed their name but not their modus operandi.
Here is the bottom line. When signing up for their service they ask you for your email password and if you give it to them they will start spamming your friends, business associates and acquaintances. IF YOU HAVE GIVEN THEM YOUR PASSWORD CHANGE IT IMMEDIATELY!!!
Any Cellphone numbers they are given will apparently receive 'premium' text messages that charge the cell phone user. They can get these phone numbers from email address books that unsuspecting users give them the passwords to.
They also apparently have downloads that will invade your computer and mess with your life. DELETE OR UNINSTALL ANY DOWNLOADS YOU HAVE FROM THEM.
The best advice I've seen regarding Fanbox comes from Consumer Fraud Reporting. Spam and "Welcome to FanBox"
They suggest:
Report these spammers to the government:
* To forward unwanted or deceptive spam to the Federal Trade Commission; send it to,
* Also see the FTC and here to Report Porn Spam. In California, also use In Missouri, use In Virginia, use
* If you think you have been taken advantage of by a spam scam, file a complaint with the FTC online at Complaints will help the FTC find and stop people who are using spam to defraud consumers.
Once again it comes down to Internet users getting savvy about the Internet. Just because a website has a cute smiley face does not mean you will continue smiling after you start dealing with them... Dig a Little Deeper before signing up for services. Type in the website name followed by the word Scam. This will show you if there are complaints about the site...
From: Kiss
To: *My Email Address*
Date: 13 Mar 2009 18:47:59 -0700
Subject: baby2hot4u2002 wants to kiss you on FanBox
Using the application Kiss!:
Launch the application to get your kiss, check out photos of baby2hot4u2002, and send a kiss back! **LINK**Launch Application on FanBox**ENDLINK**
On linksite:
Application for your FanBox profile:
Who kissed you? Find out who with KISS!
At the link location a window has this:
To launch this application...
Secured by MobileGuard
This only takes a few seconds.
Note: You will only need to do this once.
Enter your mobile phone information
You will never need to do this again.
Mobileguard is a website that has the claim:
The first true monetization engine built for social apps:
BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY With over 60 patents pending, mobile phones are now virtual credit cards, without users doing a thing.
SIMPLE With only two API calls, you collect money from billions of users worldwide on a recurring basis.
Users subscribe to your apps, simply by entering their phone numbers.
Every month, MobileGuard bills those numbers and pays you.
Start generating revenue today!
Running down their leaderboard Fanbox is tops in collecting cash through people putting their mobile phone numbers into the Fanbox webpages which makes me wonder if Mobileguard is just an offshoot of Fanbox.
Anyway, I'm off to forward the spam to the government.
Technorati Tags -
Scams -
Spam -
Fraud -
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Eye Ball Series
Sent out an email to some friends today. Thought I'd bring that same email here and post it...
Some pretty interesting links. I think one could spend quite a bit of time traveling through sites that perhaps reveal more than they should.
Especially knowing the bad guys can see them too. ...PRY...
"This paper documents and assesses emerging efforts to resist and subvert deep-seated and long-held governmental secrecy over geographical spaces of military/security activities and other sites deemed sensitive by the state. It explores tensions in new web-served mapping and high-resolution imagery of these sites, which view them though ‘pin holes’ of publicly available data. These ‘counter-mappings’ focus attention on the significance of sites that are either buried unnoticed in seamless global image coverage, or else censored on official mapping. Some reveal a strongly anti-hegemonic and oppositional discourse, others a more playful set of cultural practices. We situate these newly witnessed secret sites in contemporary visual culture, exploring the spectacular and Debordian possibilities of resistance that they offer, and evaluate the significance and ironies of these diverse imaging practices.
Keywords: Secrecy, Spectacle, Satellite Imagery, Power, Resistance, Debord"
"Secrets are strongly associated with visual culture: they are hidden but may be revealed; ubiquitous, but often unseen and are particularly associated with certain spaces. This paper focuses upon the role of overhead imagery in the contestation of sites deemed secret by nation states."
Satellite Imagery and the Spectacle of Secret Spaces.
Check out this link
If you do decide to wander through the link and the associated sites it links to come on back after a bit and share through comments what you think. Should governments close them down or place limits on them? Should free speech allow the revelation of sensitive locations? If so, who gets to decide where the line is?
Technorati Tags -
Secrecy -
Government -
Internet -
Military -
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Do We Need Government Mandated Noise Polution?
Imagine this:
Walking down the street a normally quiet electric car jumps the curb. The driver is too drunk to apply the brakes so there is no screech of tires on the road or sidewalk BUT!!! Thanks to our government who is always there to protect us from cradle to grave we jump in time so we are only gravely injured instead of mortally injured.
Fake engine noise makes electric cars safer
I live in Inglewood California and for YEARS!!! the City of Inglewood has been collecting money from the Feds to alleviate LAX airport noise. Our tax dollars at work to make a quieter city. So they tell us. We know not to ask where the money goes. Word on the street is they have thugs on call at City Hall.
For years I've been hearing scientists say that excessive sound levels can disturb people and cause health problems. One sound does not cancel out another but simple adds another layer to the sounds we hear. Sound on sound is a problem they say.
For years I've dealt with tinnitus as the sirens from Police, ambulances, fire trucks and now the idiots in our government want to legislate our listening to more noise?
As hospitals close the only nearby one that now has an emergency room is less than a mile from my house. Sirens converge on it and the emergency vehicles seem to love waking people at 3 in the morning so the wakee can be impressed with the job being performed by the waker. Since there are virtually no cars on the road at 3 AM I can only surmise that is the reason for the sirens. The aircraft noise is not to much of a problem at 3 AM because they land from over the ocean and not over the city at that time.
Enough grumbling. The purpose of this posting is to protest the un-illustrious elected official "Representative Peter King" (R-NY) whose idea/bill will force cell phone manufacturers to make the camera feature of a cell phone emit a noise so that it will be audibly obvious when a picture is taken.
He says it is aimed at preventing "predators" from taking illicit photos of others in public with cell phones.
It will also alert criminals when they are caught in the act by law abiding citizens. Not to mention politicians entering a cat house would be alerted by the sound of their constituents who might want to blogpost the picture. And the next time Rodney King has a run in with the law camera phones can be confiscated.
The bill summary at states:
Requires any mobile phone containing a digital camera to sound a tone whenever a photograph is taken with the camera’s phone. Prohibits such a phone from being equipped with a means of disabling or silencing the tone. Treats the requirement as a consumer product safety standard and requires enforcement by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
And this guy is a Republican?
What about digital cameras? Are they next?
Face it folks! We are screwed with today's batch of politicians.
How about this for a law "Representative Peter King" (R-NY) - - - Convicted and released gang-bangers must wear a device that emits a piercing shriek every ten seconds to warn people to hang on to their wallets. And the device must be worn within 3 inches of the gang-bangers ears.
Or pull a gun to commit a crime = 10 years, Fire the gun = 25 years, Hit someone with a bullet = 50 years, Kill someone = Death penalty!
Carry a gun to protect oneself or others = a party in this good citizens honor!
Thanks to Warner Huston and his posting on Publius Forum From whom I borrowed much of this posting.
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Government Mandates -
Monday, January 12, 2009
Pro Terrorist or Pro Israel?
Last Saturday I had the privilege to attend a pro terrorist gathering at the Federal Building on Wilshire, Los Angeles. I say 'privilege' because in the United States even fools and idiots have the right to free speech and this was evident at the event.
No. I did not go to support the terrorists. I went to defend Israel. Ended up being part of a small group of about 24 pro Israel supporters standing against 1500 to 2000 pro terrorists. This was Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath). Sunday, (the Christian Sabbath) was the day for a Pro Israel RALLY (as opposed to protest) but I could not attend due to church obligations. Sure wish I could have. From the account by THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS, a blogger whom I had the privilege of meeting at this event, the Sunday meeting was the more enjoyable one. He got to attend both and gives a great posting on them. Real peace and love was more in evidence at the Pro Israel Rally. Although the pro terrorists had a few (profane) counter voices there too.
The Saturday protest was in favor of Hamas continuing to lob missiles into Israel and the usual communistic hangers on were there too. The Che Guevara, Fidel is our friend & Kiss Mao's butt crowd with their nonsensical agenda. Put on by some group that spent hours making an acronym of a good word for their own nefarious purpose. The ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition. How is that for a catchy name?
Only problem with that name is that it is not true. Should be ANSWEREAJ. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism EXCEPT AGAINST JEWS)
One woman there had the audacity to suggest to a Jew's face that the 'ovens' should be brought back. Profanity was shouted and the middle finger salute were thrust out of car windows as they passed waving Palestinian flags at our little group that had Israeli and U.S. Flags and a few signs. Anger directed toward us from these people was tempered by the cars that came by honking, throwing kisses and waving support for Israel.
My signs stated, "Does Allah Demand Human Sacrifice???" and the other said, "The God Of Israel Doesn't!!!".
One Pro terrorist woman walking by read my sign and angrily said, "Yes he does!" That kind of made me think a bit. Would she prefer my throat spilling blood on the sidewalk? Sounded like it. I mentioned my sign in a chatroom later and a friend sent me to this Atlas Shrugs link. That answered both my questions.
So it comes down to: Does one want to associate with a people that hate America, hate a race of people (racism), is continually profane, has a god that endorses human sacrifice, and wants to destroy any anti socialistic nations?
Support a country that truly does want peace in their region but is getting fed up with missiles landing in their back yards.
As a Christian I'll support Israel!
May the True Living God bring them victory and that quickly.
More on this by others that were there can be found here: Many pics at this one.
and Doug of Political Pistachio was on the air via cell phone during the event:
Take Our Country Back ... BlogTalkRadio...
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Israel -
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Posted by
7:26 AM
Labels: Religion, Terrorism, War, War on Terror
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Year Ramble
Happy New Year!
First blog post of the year.
Having the day off I decided I need to list more books on my website but got sidetracked.
Blog Talk Radio caught my attention with a Medallion Press Radio Show. Only caught the tail end live but had to go back and listen to the archives. Want to know about "bum glue" you have to listen to the Jan 1.2009 show. This is a radio show for readers and writers. Paul, the host and representative of the publishing houseMedallion Press, does a great job interviewing authors and should be used as an example for anyone thinking of using Blog Talk Radio for promoting their business. No matter the subject his style is a good example to learn from.
I signed up for a Twitter Account (prying1) and of course I have to see what the friends I'm following have to say, this, the first day of the year. I saw that Twitterer TribalRootz gave a link for a 'New' Marisa Bondy You Tube Video. Check her Winds of Liberty You Tube (link above) and also check the Marisa Bondy singing "Crazy" Video.
Then Stephen Dinkel comes on to Blog Talk Radio...
So much for listing books. It seems that the internet is a great place to make friends, get information, and spend a day not getting any work done. Well! It is a holiday...
On a more recent 'in the news issue':
I have noticed that concerning the Global Warming Crowd more of them are jumping off the 'Global Warming' Bandwagon and are climbing on the "Climate Change" Soapbox.
Once again Happy New Year!
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Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: blogging, Friendship, Life